Deck worked really good in a somewhat optimized form (not entirely matching the original decklist), but I feel like 8 fetches is too much, so I'm dropping to 6 fetches, upping from 5 to 6 temples, and adding a 3rd fountain. Ultimately though the deck performed really well. I only …
9 years ago
Match 1: U/B Mill/Control 2-1
Match 2: Mono Black Devotion 2-0
Match 3: Jeskai Tokens/Jeskai Wins (sorta mirror) 1-2
Match 4: Boros Burn (sorta mirror) 2-1
Overall, 3rd place out of 17 participants.
10 years ago
Match 1: Opponent was playing some sort of Blue/Black control deck. Went 2-1, I lost game 2, but won game 3.
Match 2: Opponent was playing a combo deck based on Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Restoration Angel
. I barely lost in game 3, because I had them locked down …
10 years ago
Match 1: 1-2 against R/G Monsters (Shaman/Yasova/Polukranos/stuff)
Match 2: 0-2 against RDW/Rabble Red
Match 3: 1-2 against Abzan Midrange
Very poor showing today, two issues plagued me. One, I didn't have enough removal/responses and two, I kept getting mana flooded and mostly with tap lands of various type slowing me …
10 years ago
10 years ago
Deck does relatively well still, but I think could use some tweaks in preparation for Game Day tomorrow. I feel like it's a bit land heavy and not as well situated against hyper-aggro as I'd like, which seems to be coming into style in my local meta. I still have …
10 years ago
Match 1: Got the Bye
Match 2: 1-2 vs Jeskai Wins/Tokens
Match 3: 2-1 vs Mono Black Devotion
No planned changes at this time.
10 years ago is apparently where I originally found this.
4 Rounds for Tuesday-night Standard.
Match 1: Playing against BUG control, went 1-2. Biggest issue is I didn't have good answers for Planeswalkers. First loss was largely due to mana screw, but my opponent was able to get a Garruk, Apex Predator …
10 years ago
First time playing this in Standard and I got wrecked. It's too slow in matchups against aggro decks, too hard to get back essential combo pieces from the graveyard if you accidentally mill them out or lose them against control, and while great against midrange, has minimal answers for big …
10 years ago
On 1/20 I played this in Standard and went 1-1-1, which wasn't great, but was definitely just RNG/luck mostly on the matchups. It's not quite aggro enough to be great against strict aggro decks, and not quite slow enough not to run out steam early against life-gaining mid-range/control decks. I've …
10 years ago
10 years ago