This FNM, I came second. The deck had a bad match-up in the final with temur eldrazi
8 years ago
Came 6th out of 17.
1) Lost 2-0 against blue/white spirits. I was completely mana screwed. That and a discussion with the guy has encouraged to to perhaps shift away from splashing green. The foil Sigarda is pretty but the Heron's Grace Champions just don't fit in. Going to see …
8 years ago
Good showing at first FNM. Came 2nd out of 14 players.
1st game: Against a newbie using a mono-red madness vampires deck. Unfair match up, so not worth noting.
2nd game: Outpaced and out-evaded a Dimir zombie deck. 2-0.
3rd game: Managed to remain stable and keep the the lifegain …
8 years ago
Came 10th out of 12. Bad showing.
1) Faced GB with Kalitas and a lot of removal. Sideboarding roast worked against Kalitas but the constant board wipes resulted in my loss. As a result, I'm adding Skin Invasion to my sideboard.
2) Faced RB Eldrazi. Took a long time but …
8 years ago
8 player Standard. Came 4th.
Game 1:
2-0 to opponent. He was playing BR Eldrazi aggro. I got land flooded and made a few misplays that may have sealed my fate. Woke up after this game.
Game 2:
2-0 to me. He was playing Bant humans. Was able to overwhelm …
8 years ago
I went to a Modern Invitational event with a Blistering Rage deck for my own use. I lent this deck to another player who needed one.
I should have stuck with the Armed Allies. She came 3rd with the deck and I came 7th. It seems that in its Standard …
8 years ago
Been coming consistently first at FNM with two exceptions. The one being a fatal misplay where I didn't equip my Needle Spires with Bonesaw when I could. The other was a complete draw with me drawing with a GB Aristocrats for first.
I have changed the sideboard to add three …
8 years ago
Went 6-0 at FNM. Three rounds:
Up against what seemed to be black/red vampires. Was able to keep the tempo up and used Firemantle Mage and Captain Claws to swing with a fully menaced army ever round.
Next was black/red control. The removal here was pretty scary but was able …
8 years ago
First showing at a Standard FNM. The majority of the venue wanted to play Modern, but there were around 6 of us who played a separate Standard Event.
The 1st Match was against a Gitrog and Tireless Tracker deck. The combo soon got out of hand and it didn't help …
8 years ago
Bad showing at FNM, coming 9/10. The reasons for this are two-fold. First being that I was exhausted, second being inconsistent card draws. I was borrowing a set of Polluted Deltas from a friend, so land wasn't the problem. My sole problem was dealing with opponents removing all manner of …
9 years ago
Came 9th out of 16 in a Modern FNM, winning 2/4 of my matches. The first loss was against a Tron deck which was able to set off its wincon before I could bring up the tempo. The 2nd loss was a near victory if not for meddling Abrupt Decays …
9 years ago