Battle Zone Games

pimplez says... #1

3 wins 1 loss placed 6th

Round 1 win: I played against a mono blue artifact fetch. I didn't get to see a whole lot of what it did because both my wins happened before turn 5. game 1 I had two quests and two goblin guides that quickly kicked off the quest ending with a lightning bolt for 12. Game 2 I had 1 quest and got him down to 7 with reverb in hand. I top decked a land and he started a fetch combo with jace to gain 5 life a turn. After i realized the futility we went to game 3. Game 3 I killed him with a kiln fiend.

Round 2 win:I played a home brewed version of caw go. I kept a hand with one land and two goblin guides, turn 1 play goblin guide, turn 2, play goblin guide, turn 3 top deck goblin guide and play it, turn 4 he plays a DOJ...I top deck my fourth goblin guide... Game 2 i boarded in kiln fiends turn 2 kiln fiend, turn 3 fork bolt his squad hawk he flash freezes it, so I forked bolted it again and galv blasted him then swung in for 10. finished him off in the next couple of turns.

Round 3 win: played against green-white vengevine goblin guide dealt 6 damage along with a total of 3 searing blazes (2 regualr and 1 reverberated) none of his fauna shamens lost summon sickness. Game 2 he boarded in kor firewwalkers unfortunately for him I boarded in 4 perilous myr, and got 3 of them. We had a terrible stalemate going on both constantly drawing lands, til I finally top decked into an arc trail which i reverberated to wipe his board.

Round 4 Lost: played against a valakut variant, this one didn't run walls, but instead used fetch lands and kalani expeditions game 1 I kept a 1 land hand because it had a quest, 4 1 mana burn spells, and an arc trail, Sadly i didn't see a land for the rest of the game. Game 2 I played a turn 2 kiln fiend and had a turn 3 damage slam that won me the game. Game 3, another 1 land hand, but this one had a promising two goblin guides in it. he bolted both of them, and again I saw no lands, which was even more disappointing because his deck took really long to pop. Overall I was really stupid, and should stop keeping 1 land hands, valakut is a good matchup for me because its generally slow.

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

pimplez says... #2

there were 5 rounds to qualify for the top 8 single elimination.

Round 1: Green white token/agroI took game 1 with a 3 goblin guide and four lands hand. Lost game 2 to excessive land draw and took game 3 with a turn 1 quest and burn spells.

Round 2:Blue/White/Red caw-bladeI took game 1 with a turn 2 kiln fiend, turn 3 fork bolt squad hawk, and 2 more burn spells, turn 4 burn some more and swing in with kiln fiend. Game two was a bit more drawn out I got him down to 7 and had an active quest when we both started top decking. He had a Basilisk Collar top decked a land and activated Celestial Collonade and equiped it with collar to swing in with lifelink. I was forced to sack quest and bolt the collonade for 6. Then we had a top deck fight with me drawing 2 creatures a burn and 2 lands, and he drew 4 lands.

Round 3:blue/white/red Caw-bladegame 1 was fairly quick, I kicked a quest and burned him to death. Game 2 he got there with a sylvok lifestaff. I was preoccupied with killing the things before he equipped them, when I should have just directed my burn at him and eaten the damage from the squadron hawks. Game 3 was a quick kiln fiend win again.

round 4: black-red controlmy oppenent enticed me with the fact that we had already made top 8 and should just call it a draw. I accepted but we still played for fun.

I lost game 1 to a double abyssal persecutor drop, I passed turn to him while he was at 7 with 5 damage in my hand and he had two persecutors so I was feeling pretty good about it, then he consuming vapors himself gaining six life.

I lost game 2 as well, good thing we drew!

round 5: my opponent wanted to leave, I had overheard him saying he was going to concede anyway I was seated 2 and he was 1 so I just offered him a draw and made it into top 8.

top 8 single elim---------------------------

Round 1:none other than my round 4 opponent. After losing to him 2, 0 in the fun match I wasn't very optimistic.In game 1 I played a quest on turn 1 and slowly burned him, and me down. I had to arc trail myself for 1 damage twice. I activated my quest with a galvonic blast then sacked it and double bolted him for 12. he had me on board next turn. I got game two as well, He didn't hit a persecutor until late game and I had been slowly hitting him down, He drops me down to 2 with manlands and I had him at 7, I cast Staggershock on his endstep and bolted him on my turn.

round 2:none other than my round 1 opponentI utterly annihilated him in game 1. Game 2 he boarded in 2 white leylines and some green ones, and this time he went for them. He ended up mulling down to 1 out of frustration and he made me still play him....Needless to say I won.

Round 3:none other than my round 3 opponentafter 6 hours of magic I was pretty tired so we agreed to draw and go 16 packs each instead of dukeing it out for the 20 12 split.

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

pimplez says... #3

FNM at battlezone games. I played against1:black+red Fling2:blue-red ininite dude shitter3:slow artifact aggro/control4:blue-white control

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

Crazzyc says... #4

won 3 lost 1Game 1: Mono White lifegain/angel deck. 2/0 winGame 2: Tempered Steel: 2/1 winGame 3: Mono Green Equip: 0/2 lossGame 4: Blue/White Ally Mill: 2/0 win

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

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Stupid Green deck 3.0

Standard ClansInitiate


So... win three rounds, get mana screwed two games in a row at the end of the night.... yup, that's a thing. SGD 3.0 makes it's 5th place FNM appearance, was lots of fun to play. Really cheap, so I would suggest it to anyone who just wants to have …

10 years ago

E.O.T. Dudes!

Modern pimplez

SCORE: 5 | 9 COMMENTS | 1884 VIEWS | IN 1 FOLDER Top 8: 06/07

First round I played against america control. Game 1 he played a ral-zarek turn 4 and bolted my creature which I responded to by playing a wolfir avenger at the end of his turn. he used a lot of burn spells and wipes to take out my creatures but I …

11 years ago