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Cyclical Perspectives

Standard icebeing


It was a maiden voyage. Of course, I didn't pilot it very well.

What worked well: Haze of pollen was an all-star. It's probably the only cycling card I didn't bother cycling, except when NP was online. A playset in this deck is a no-brainer.

Faith of the devoted + …

6 years ago

Jeskai Cycling

Standard* icebeing


This build did not win a single game :-(

What worked: not many things, but there were some nice plays:

  • Djeru's Renunciation: it is quite the nice mini-fog instant, which usually targets the most troublesome creatures, and buys time nicely.

  • Renewed Faith: gaining 6 life often negates an …

6 years ago

This is for charity, and trying to win a Mox Ruby is a good motivator too!

6 years ago

Temur Miracle Gro

Standard* icebeing


Went 2-2 with the previous incarnation of the deck, even though I had the wrong SB for it.

Strong points: a couple

  • Fling + Drake = win (usually)
  • the low CMC of spells makes it possible to chain off a huge damage train, and steal victories.
  • Kaladesh …
6 years ago

Ran a CFB decklist, that was more mid-rangy than the typical U/B control decks out there. Went 2-2. The deck felt reallly slow against fast decks (notably, Ramunap Red). I typically couldn't get enough answers to keep up with the other deck's tempo.

Key changes:

Go with a playset of …

6 years ago

GB Energy

Standard* icebeing


Got rid of the red. Harnessed Lightening competed too much with my energy reserves, and Claim / Fame'ing my creatures after Claim / Fame'ing them didn't put that much pressure on my opponents.

Deadeye Tracker: Tireless Tracker it is not. Greenbelt Rampager goes back in.

Added Walk the Plank, and Blossoming Defense.

Had lots …

7 years ago

Played at the local FNM. The deck went 2-2, due to a bad misplay against Ramunap Red. I lost in two against mono-black zombies, only because the deck doesn't really get going by T4, and that is too slow against the current aggressive decks


1 - Go to 4 …

7 years ago