Bodach's Games

#9 Village Plaza, Arnold, MO 63010

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FNM! Friday Night Magic

Orgotek says... #1

February 18, 2016 9:40 p.m.

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Cheap reanimation

Pioneer DontTakeMeCharms

SCORE: 1 | 111 VIEWS

Went 2-0-1 at local tournament, with the draw being against MonoWhite Humans, I would've lost if we didn't go to time. I was very pleased with the deck I was able to consistently bring out threats and hold back my opponent enough to swing with my growing evasive threats.

I …

1 year ago

I learn that Thoughtbound Phantasm is not strong enough in the late game. Getting 3 surveil triggers can be difficult and focusing more on Titans' Nest and Willow Geist combo seems better.

2 years ago