Have been busy working so have only been playing four thirty FNM with 45 minute rounds. But the deck is performing well, garnering me plenty of store credit.
Most of the matchup are against mono-black and variants which are good, with a few aggro matchups with are favorable, and control …
10 years ago
Losing matches but still winning games, always a process.
Deck is fun, it's critical not to miss triggers. Have made adjustments to make the deck more efficient. Took out Kiora and Ajani, as i feel they don't contribut much to winning, and don't do enough in this deck to stabilize …
10 years ago
2-1 Early FNM
First matchup was agains B/W devotion. Simply overmatched, Blood Baron of Vizkopa simply isn't a card i care about.
Second was against straight monoblack. Lost in 2, kept iffy hands and second game misplayed allowing a Desecration Demon in with enough devotion to get offed by a …
10 years ago
Happy to report the deck working well. In a pool of 12 players.
1st matchup against a B/U Merfolk deck.
Opportune removal won the first game, second game made poor aggressive play that opened me up to a lethal attack. Third game drew into a perfect curve with turn 3 …
11 years ago
Just an update of last Friday's FNM.
First round went 2-0 and drew final game, but my opponent was a friend and agreed that with a few more turns i had the game and conceded. 3-0
Next round wound up losing 2 close matchups. Technically i conceded my next game, …
11 years ago