Using (this decklist)[] as my new baseline.
5 years ago
More lessons! And outside help!
I actually got some interest and spectators this week, who offered suggestions and advice after the gaming was finished. The main outcome was consolidation and streamlining. The deck is again UR only. Blue Moon is still there, but rather than balancing between ping damage AND …
8 years ago
Welp, lessons have been learned. This was the first time this deck was tested in a competitive tournament setting. Lost 2 (both 0-2), won 1 (2-0), and got a Bye. The win was a UW control deck with lots of self-draw, which literally helped him lose both times. Really had …
8 years ago
UPDATES: Some changes to the manabase overall. Took out Ayli in favor of experimenting with Cliffhaven Vampire.
9 years ago
I picked up some Warren Instigator
s today at a shop across town and reformulated my deck a bit. They had an afternoon Modern tourney swinging in, so I figured I would play a bit away from my LGS. 4 rounds gave me some experience with decks I had not yet …
9 years ago