I tried this deck out a few times just to make sure it functioned smoothly.
- This test took 11 turns to do lethal to three imaginary players, which is on the high end. I didn't have any problem with lands early on and had a steady stream of dragons …
3 years ago
I busted out this deck in this evening's session, and it was a triumphant failure! I actually drew all the components that made the deck successful in playtests, but I had a terrible matchup against Jeremy's all-in "board-wipe everything all the time" Child of Alara deck. I foolishly overcommitted in …
3 years ago
I tested this out a few times, and its vanilla functions seem to work well. Progenitus never came down, and the combos did not come together. It was all about the hydras!
- This playtest was the fastest I've had in quite some time, ending on T6, which is exceptional …
3 years ago
I tried out the new version of this deck a few times.
- So many resources! It took me a while to get K&T out, due to a lack of blue mana, but that didn't seem to slow the deck down. By the end, I was tapping for 18 mana …
3 years ago
I did an initial round of goldfishing playtests. Things went well, and I fully expect my playgroup to hate this deck off the table in short order.
- The deck was flooded with mana in this game and couldn't really get anything going until the 7th or 8th turn, but …
3 years ago
After a few insane amount of hours spent online playing this deck and in private groups I merely had time to update the deck to it's current iteration...
I have some catching up to do
<<< (+++ 36-9 W/L over the span of 3 weekend xD , not as good as my Hearthstone streak of 70-4 W/L ratio :'( ) >>>
3 years ago
Well, what do you know? I increased my lands to the right amount, and all of a sudden things seemed to go a lot more smoothly. It took me a tad longer to get my white mana, but I wasn't completely stalled out on a color like I've been in …
4 years ago
I busted this deck out for our first EDH game in a while, as we had a new player coming into the fold. It once again proved itself to be an excellent casual deck. It's got enough going on that it's not boring, but it's not so much that I'm …
4 years ago
After a break of four months, I allowed this deck back onto the scene, and it once again delivered. I didn't even need Selvala. Ghalta and another creature delivered me 14 cards off a fight with Grothama, and those cards included Concordant Crossroads and Overwhelming Stampede. I already had almost …
4 years ago
I'm finding it slightly comforting to come back to the same deck each week, especially one that is both competitive and "straightforward." I'm learning nuances to this deck while at the same time not adding undue stress to a stressful time. It's a nice contrast from the EDH decks I …
4 years ago
I took this deck for another spin this evening. Despite the straightforward nature of the deck, I am still finding it interesting to pay close attention to sequencing and tactical decisions.
- Although slowed by Jeremy's stax build, featuring endless ways to exile my creatures and its very own Winter …
4 years ago
Success! Things looked grim after falling to Ted's GWUB Toolbox/Recursion deck, but this deck won its subsequent matches against a 5C Slivers deck and a 4C/5C Dredge deck. Although it seems fairly straightforward, I noticed mistakes as I played, and I'm sure I missed many more. Why would I fetch …
4 years ago
I playtested this deck by goldfishing on Cockatrice.
- The first game stumbled a little out of the gate, starting with a 1-land mulligan, followed by a hand of nothing other than Sylvan Library costing less than 4. Nonetheless, the deck was able to explode out of nowhere with a …
4 years ago
Wow! I really thought this was a joke deck, but after last week's game I found myself preferring its more straightforward gameplan to Halfdane's, ostensibly my favorite deck. Rather than abuse my opponents with Halfdane's shenanigans for a second week in a row, I leaned into my preference and busted …
4 years ago
This game was pretty wild, with a lot of swings and shifts in who seemed to be winning throughout the game. I don't remember the order in which things happened, but here are some of the key aspects of the game:
- Ryan's Oona hit me for 18 Commander damage …
4 years ago