Collector Store

2416 Hwy 94 South Outer Road, St. Charles, MO 63303

The Collector Store LLC

2416 Hwy 94 South Outer Road

St. Charles, MO 63303

Phone: 636-477-7800

Fax: 636-447-7895


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 11:00 - 6:00

Wednesday & Friday 11:00 - 8:00

Saturday 9:00 - 1:00

Weekly Events


Modern Magic (5:30 PM Central Time)

  • Entry Fee: $5. Store credit cannot be used to enter.
  • Tournament Structure: Three to four-round Swiss. Best of three.
  • Prize Structure: Store credit is awarded to the top four participants, but ties are allowed (so more than four players can potentially …

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I showed for Pioneer on time this time, and did not take an automatic loss in round 1. I did get rekt, but made up for it in rounds 2 and 3.

Round 1: Jeskai Superfriends

My opponent was an experienced player who seemed like he knew what he was …

5 years ago

I arrived late for the Pioneer event at my FLGS. I assumed that they would start at 6:30 PM like Commander, but it was actually at 6:00 PM so I took a free loss for round 1 so I could still participate in rounds 2 and 3.

Round 2: Sultai …

5 years ago
  1. RG Ponza (2-0)
  2. Titanshift (2-1)
  3. RG Ponza (1-2)

Won $8 in singles credit.

6 years ago

I went to the PPTQ on Sunday at the Collector Store.

I had a much longer post that I lost because I renamed my deck in another tab (from "Modern Grixis Death's Shadow" to "JSL Modern Grixis Death's Shadow") and when I clicked on the Save button, the site didn't …

7 years ago

Went to the Collector Store yesterday, September 1, 2017 (this report was typed the day after). Seventeen people showed up thanks to the new FNM promo: Fatal Push. I got a bye for the first round and went 2-1 overall (won the second round and lost the third round). …

7 years ago