Another great showing for the deck at FNM. Quick summary of the matches below.
The one game loss was to double Goyf, and I pulled no answers.
- Match 2 - Jesaki Control - Win 2-1
Good opponent, I just got the …
8 years ago
Well I decided to rebuild 8-Rack and run at at my FNM. The amount of players for Modern have grown significantly over the last 18 months from the time I last ran this. Obviously there have been some changed to the original deck to account for the current meta.
As …
8 years ago
After 4 weeks of consistent 4-0 wins, I was humbled last night to a 2-2 record by Mono-W Humans twice. the threats are just too fast for me to keep up with when all it needs to two Plains to get an army out. Gryff's Boon puts in work against …
8 years ago
Overall went 3-2. Wasn't too happy with my draws over the night, but I did learn some things about the deck and the new cards from FRF.
Round 1
Opponent: R/W Aggro
Game 1: I was getting burned out while maintaining board control, but dropped down a …
10 years ago
So, i got land shafted on my only 2 losses. Went 3-2 for the night and enjoyed every single match, even the losses. This deck, when it hits (which isn't hard) houses un-fucking-believably hard. Now, granted, the shop i play at is, currently, extremely aggro heavy, so i almost didn't …
10 years ago