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Los Banos, California United States

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Strength in unity

Modern clancheek

SCORE: 1 | 114 VIEWS

Went 4-0 last night only losing one game to green stompy.

Green Stompy 2-1

Blue Black Control 2-0

Affinity 2-0

Gideon Tribal 2-0

5 years ago

Sydri is Still Just Meh

Commander / EDH Deckologist

SCORE: 85 | 122 COMMENTS | 19286 VIEWS | IN 28 FOLDERS

Recently I was told to see if I could finally take Sydri to the next level. I believe I have done just that FINALLY! New deck, new combos, new deck attitude. This deck so far boasts a win on turn 4-6 every game it has played. Not for the faint …

9 years ago