Went 2-0 vs mono blue control that used lots of counter magic, super tough win as I forgot to sideboard in Grand Abolisher
Went 2-0 vs Naya big creatures. Pretty easy win here, used Gideon Jura
to keep his itty bitty things from poking me as well as to kill off the bigger ones.
Went 2-1 vs mono-white control, easily the hardest and most epic win of my life. This deck had Mana Tithe
, a white counterspell that really set me off balance and cost me game 1. Game 2 everything clicked and Gideon Jura
and Frost Titan
smashed face for a relatively easy win. Then came game 3, it lasted over 30min and I nearly lost countless times. I was saved by two Mimic Vat
s, each filled with one of his Squadron Hawk
s to use as chump blockers. Unfortunately he got a Transcendent Master
up to level 12, which turned into over 40 life in his favor and overshadowed that Gideon was smashing him for 6 every turn. Then I drew up a Glimmerpoint Stag
to reset his Transcendent Master
and to finally bring him down with Gideon and a Frost Titan
adjusted this deck slightly since the banning of Treasure Cruise, I didn't think this deck could function with out t-cruise but I tried it at my first modern FNM and went 2-1.
Round 1: Played against some kind of G/B graveyard deck. Game 1 he almost milled me out and …
10 years ago
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nsecord says... #1
Took first place in a casual tourny.
Went 2-0 vs mono blue control that used lots of counter magic, super tough win as I forgot to sideboard in Grand Abolisher .
Went 2-0 vs Naya big creatures. Pretty easy win here, used Gideon Jura to keep his itty bitty things from poking me as well as to kill off the bigger ones.
Went 2-1 vs mono-white control, easily the hardest and most epic win of my life. This deck had Mana Tithe , a white counterspell that really set me off balance and cost me game 1. Game 2 everything clicked and Gideon Jura and Frost Titan smashed face for a relatively easy win. Then came game 3, it lasted over 30min and I nearly lost countless times. I was saved by two Mimic Vat s, each filled with one of his Squadron Hawk s to use as chump blockers. Unfortunately he got a Transcendent Master up to level 12, which turned into over 40 life in his favor and overshadowed that Gideon was smashing him for 6 every turn. Then I drew up a Glimmerpoint Stag to reset his Transcendent Master and to finally bring him down with Gideon and a Frost Titan .
August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.