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Scotty4u says... #1

I went 3-3, and ranked 16th. 1st round was against UB Cawblade Hate 2-0. His deck had the hate, but did not have the offense to kill. 2nd round was against a Rogue Artifact Mono Red 1-2. It's a shame that I was mana screwed in the games I lost, but it happens. 3rd round I was up against BR Vamps 2-1, this was a fun match. My opponent was chill, and the games were close. 4th round was against Green Eldrazi 2-0. I somewhat destroyed this deck. First game he scooped on turn 5, second game, he played it out. He got enough land to cast his eldrazis, but the sword of feast and famine was keeping his options tied. 5th round I went up against a copy and paste UW Cawblade 0-2. I should have gotten a draw from this match, but I made a crucial error in the second match. First match I was mana screwed. I dropped two lands, and never saw any lands from then on, I just scooped. Second game went really long, it ended going over the time limit and the situation was he had 9 lands, a Baneslayer Angel, 2 Sword of Feast and Famine equipped to the Angel, and a Mortarpod. I hade 7 lands (4 mountains), a Koth Emblem, a Cunning Sparkmage, a Spikeshot Elder, a Hawk, and 1 of each sword equipped to my Cunning Sparkmage. I was at 15, he was at 21. He attack, I blocked with my hawk and let my hawk die. What I should have done was destroy my hawk with my emblem before damage was dealt. Last game was against Valakut 0-2. He pulled a god hand first game, and had his primeval turn 3. I scooped. 2nd game, I got him down to 2 life, and he topped deck a Terastadon and destroyed my creatures. He then just attacked next turn to kill me. Overall okay tournament:D

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

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Tenebu's Gravedigging Tendencies | Primer

Commander / EDH hkhssweiss

SCORE: 210 | 215 COMMENTS | 26735 VIEWS | IN 46 FOLDERS

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Tenebu's Gravedigging Tendencies | Primer

Commander / EDH hkhssweiss

SCORE: 210 | 215 COMMENTS | 26735 VIEWS | IN 46 FOLDERS

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