Wurmcoil never found a way on board to be honest. Torpor Orb seems to be a much better option now that Esper Vial is at large ;)
Also a bit more flexibility around prison pieces woudln't hurt hence the change to 2/2 split for Thorn/Trinispere.
4 years ago
Swapping sb copy of spyglass for mystic forge to have some fun with baby Ugin. Spyglass is the best when it's mb, and I don't find myself in situation when I want to Karn into Spyglass - I could be wrong here. I'm still pondering playing Forsaken Monument as a …
4 years ago
It's time to say goodbye to Kozilek, and welcome back 2nd Baby Ugin. It's a walker, so it's harder to interact with, it affects the board, it protects itself if need be, and makes playing multiple spells easier. One suggestion was to maybe try Mystic Forge as a wish target? …
4 years ago
So after some testing of Maze of Ith it looks like it's not a great fit in the meta, most of the time it only prolongs the agony when you're waiting to top deck something. However Mazemind Tome has proven to help with both land drops, and setting up the …
4 years ago
OGW Kozilek -> 3rd Spyglass,
2nd Trinisphere in sb -> Spatial Contortion (to help with infect, delver, and DnT matchups)
4 years ago
To be even more on the Eldrazi plan I replaced Revoker with the original Kozilek. Drawing cards is great, and if it sticks to annihilate stuff - even better! Let's make use of those 4 Eldrazi Temples :)
4 years ago
With a broken heart I cut both big Emmy (way too expensive for the impact it provides), and All is Dust (it does almost nothing against depths, and it's not great vs other archetypes). They were replaced with another Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger, and a Phyrexian Revoker.
4 years ago
so with the new sets and a few games, i have swapped some cards which were not really working with this deck and added new powerhouses , Baral, chief of compliance. With his cost reduction and his great cycling, I can't recall how many times he helped to search for …
8 years ago
Beat Enchantment Control and Hardened Scales 2-1 each, 1-1 against Jeskai Black after going to time in game 2 but losing on turn 3, lost to Grixis Dragons 1-2 in what was a very exciting game 3; opponent brings me to 3 life after dashing Kolaghan along with two 2 …
8 years ago
9 years ago
Went 4:2:1 23rd place, 18 boosters plus promo and deckbox.
Played against abzan/jund three times won all those matches.
Also beat Martyr of Sands control deck 2:0
Lost to Jeskai controll/burn and to Zoo, mostly due to not seeing enough land after mulligans to 3 or 4. Also one bad …
9 years ago
Streamlined the deck in preparation for the RPTQ.
A lot of my reasoning when building the deck originaly was to give me a chance to get out of sticky situations:
Corpse Blockade was in the maindeck to allow me to combo through a Night of Souls' Betrayal, elesh norn grand …
9 years ago