Days of Knights

Past Events


Went 4-0 and was best Phyrexian Pure deck.

Match one 2-1; Mirrian RW. He only won one match because of Burn the impure.

Match 2 2-0; Faced infect BG

Match 3 2-0; Faced infect BG Longest game ever

Match 4 2-0; Infect again but UBW

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So for a while this deck has been sitting in this weird limbo of not being competitive, but also no fun to play against in casual EDH. I think that I'm finally just going to tweak it into a comp. control list, and from there just build a fun mimeoplasm/damia …

7 years ago

Oona Ad Nauseam-Monolith Combo

Commander / EDH* SukerSoaker


Thirst for Knowledge --> Remand

Pithing Needle on the fence. Nobody in my current meta plays an activated ability I'm worried about.

Snapcaster in. Dimir Machinations Out.

9 years ago