The release of Commander 2016 was mostly uneventful for me, though I did switch out a couple of cards; the one that made it into this particular deck is the new Stonehoof Chieftain, which replaced one of my pet cards I probably shouldn't have kept around as long as …
8 years ago
It's been long enough since I added some of these cards that I no longer remember what I cut to make room for them, so this will mostly just be a list of what's changed since the last card I mentioned swapping out.
8 years ago
Oh man, I had SUCH high hopes for the new Conspiracy set, and while my not so secret desire to perhaps see Commander-only printings I play now get foil versions was pretty much entirely foiled (ha ha) in that CN2 reprinted none of those, it DID introduce some rad new …
8 years ago
Primer updated to current state of deck including Core Creature section and revised Creature Discussion section. Primer slowly growing to be more informative. Deck still getting better.
8 years ago
So my dream scenario, a return to Innistrad where I got to add more actual werewolves to this deck, has totally happened, and all 12 of the new werewolves, along with a few appropriate support cards, are now in this deck. The werewolf planeswalker Arlin Kord isn't currently, but that's …
8 years ago
Since I was swapping Taurean Mauler
out of my werewolf deck, where it had been acting as my "20th" werewolf, in favor of adding an actual transforming werewolf now that they printed a bunch more, I had an extra "samurai" that was ridiculously better than some of the …
8 years ago
I've been intermittently replacing lands that come in tapped with lands that don't, so the mana-base has changed a bit. More interestingly though, due to Shadows over Innistrad giving me so many goodies for my other Gruul deck (and basically none at all for this one, unless I wind up …
8 years ago
For the first time since I started playing Magic, the EDH rules committee banned a card I actually used, namely Prophet of Kruphix, which was a trifle annoying because I wasn't really breaking it or anything, and combining Kruphix and his prophet was definitely a flavor win.
In the grand …
9 years ago
Now that the full set has been spoiled, it turns out there's only 1 card in Oath of the Gatewatch that I wanted to add to this deck, but of course doing so meant cuts and reworking stuff and so I changed a few cards around in the meantime.
Steel …
9 years ago
So after playing around with Filigree Angel since the deck started out life as the original pre-con, I've finally decided that it was too over-costed for the effect it provided (and certainly for the body that comes with the ETB) - there were scenarios where it put in work, but …
9 years ago
As neat as a re-useable Pacifism was, I decided to replace Cage of Hands with Ghostly Prison
. Likewise, Hold the Line was an incredible combat trick but really not what the deck wanted to be doing, so I swapped in a card from the new Commander set, Grasp …
9 years ago
Battle for Zendikar, fortunately for the state of my wallet, didn't wind up having a whole bunch of cards I needed, but there were a few. While I'm still on the fence about picking up Lumbering Falls for this deck (the forthcoming Simic "untapped if you have 2 basic lands" …
9 years ago
The upcoming release of Battle for Zendikar and that kickass new Omnath have me practically giddy. But more specifically, it's prompted me to retire a card that I'm quite fond of, namely Rubblebelt Raiders
. As much as I love that card, it relies too much on other factors …
9 years ago
Magic: Origins had a lot of interesting cards in it, and I considered a number of them for various other decks, but apart from a wolf that got lost on the way to Innistrad the release of Origins didn't herald much in the way of changes for my various commander …
9 years ago
As per the deck's (sort of) theme, here are some more cards passed along from my other decks that don't use them anymore (in most cases because I replaced them with a shiny version) since the last time I posted an update:
9 years ago