Beating MGD, R/G Monsters, Jund Whip, and Mono-Black Aggro and losing to Jeskai tokens.
9 years ago
Went 5-0 placing first. 2-1 against WU Heroic, 2-1 against GR Monsters, 2-1 against Mono-Black Aggro, 2-1 against Mono-Red Devotion, and 2-0 against Mono-Black Aggro.
If you have specific questions about any matches, comment and I'll tell you what you want to know.
9 years ago
Won Gameday. My record was 5-1, winning the cut to top 4.
Match 1: A beginning player, on the G/R Monsters deck. I was able to overpower him game 1 and game 2 he got stuck on one land with no mulligans. 2-0
Match 2: U/B Control. A deck that …
9 years ago
My partner and I were able to take first again this week, beating out a team of Temur Monsters and Naya Dragons, Abzan Control and Mardu Midrange, and UB Control and Mardu tokens. Something new I tried out this week was Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury, and he runs quite efficiently …
10 years ago
My partner and I went first at a 2 Headed-Giant tournament. He played his Mono-Blue devotion deck. We beat two casual players, a team of a UB control and Temur control deck, and a BW warriors and Mardu Midrange deck.
The main things I took away from this is that …
10 years ago
Went first on the first time running the deck and here's the breakdown:
Match 1: R/W Control
A mix of the use of Purphoros, God of the Forge and a mix of burn and tokens to take out its opponent. However, it wasn't able to do much against the lifegain …
10 years ago
Went first at FNM for the first time ever and I was very proud. This build has been doing better than I had hoped it to. While it was a small night with only nine people playing, there was four rounds and enough to make me feel proud to earn …
10 years ago
Another pretty successful week if say. I went 3-0-1 overall and 8-4 total with the games.
Match 1: Sultai Control
A deck I'm used to seeing from this particular player. He uses control to ramp into a large Villainous Wealth or Empty the Pits. Game one came to an unfortunate …
10 years ago
Went 3-1 at FNM overall, with a record of 7 wins and 3 losses, a breakdown:
Match 1: Minotaurs
This was a matchup against a fairly new player. He kept two hand with only black sources so I was able to build up a stable hand to control his field …
10 years ago
Minor tweetings since I last tweeked. I added a Liliana, which is really it.
10 years ago
Another, well, mediocre night at competitive play. After going 2-2 again, there's either plays I need to be making better, or changes that need to be made. I'm thinking more card draw engines could help me out, as while it happens infrequently, running out of answers does happen. It seems …
10 years ago
After a very decent run at Gameday I ended up 2-2 and placed 9th out of 35, just barely out of the top 8. Some matches were short and others long, so the deck seems like it can play at different speeds. The actual list I used was not quite …
10 years ago
Did a bit of casual testing with friends. Seems to work really well. Even with opponents' ideal hands, I was still able to surgically remove threats both in-hand and on the field with no trouble.
Testing Notes:
- Jace gave good card advantage while making aberration bigger, and Mogis took …
10 years ago