
Bremerton, WA

fuzenix says... #1

Wrexial is an 8 toughness IslandSwampwalking Surprise in the titan slot.

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

LeadKillgore says... #2

35 players, Caw blade in bottom 15 only.

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

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Mogis EDH

Commander / EDH* MJS154

SCORE: 2 | 218 VIEWS

Took this deck to Commander Thursday at my LGS. One of the players in our game gave me these cards to buff the deck up a bit.

-1 Two-Headed Cerberus

-1 Demonic Vigor

-1 Bile Urchin

-1 Ordeal of Purphoros

-1 Seer's Lantern

-1 Magmatic Chasm

-1 Flame Lash

+1 …

5 years ago

You Activated My Trap Card!

Modern* Kievnstavick


So to sum it up I went almost lost every game and drew 2 of them. I did win 2 matches out of all of them. Can't say it was what I was expecting but it wasn't surprising. About 1/4 of the time I lost was due to my deck …

8 years ago

Lexian's Aggvoke

Standard mikelexian

SCORE: 1 | 316 VIEWS

Started out strong with a 3-0 defeating Game 1: Abzan Midrange 2/1 Game 2: Jeskai Tempo 2/1 Game 3: Aggro Mino's

Game 4 was aginast a Black/Blue control ending game 3 with him a 1 life. This by far was the my hardest match up due to the sheer amount …

10 years ago