DJ's Card & Collectible Shop

Hanford, Ca

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You will learn all about this style of play.

I am at the final three weeks of this six week season. I am currently tied for 2nd Place, and the rate that this League is going, and if I am still in the …


League Play is sort of like a 6 Week Magic Season, where players buy in for the weekly tournament and accumulate points as the weeks go by. However, instead of using their normal, all-ready-made decks, all players put up additional money the first week, to buy 5 booster packs, from …

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Jeskai Something

Standard* Slizzler

SCORE: 1 | 517 VIEWS

my deck was okay it does very well against heroic decks one win was from the bye but most of my games went into game 3 notable it did decent and lasted long against W/U/B Control.

9 years ago