I have decided to retire this deck. It's not fun and/or competitive playing the "fair deck" when you're the only person in your meta playing "fairly." The deck worked smoothly in playtesting, of course, but couldn't keep up with the other decks around here. So, regrettably, it has been scrapped. …
9 years ago
It's been a while since I've messed with this list, so I figured it was time for an update!
In my studies of various Modern tournaments, a lot of Burn decks have begun adding more green for Wild Nacatl. After much thought, and actually playing against a "Nacatl Burn" deck …
9 years ago
Attended my first Modern PPTQ with this deck, which has been updated to reflect what I was playing. I finished 7th out of 10 people: 1 win, 3 losses, and 1 bye, with all but one round (a loss against an Abzan deck that won the entire tournment) going to …
9 years ago
As new sets arrive, the format evolves. As the format evolves, we must evolve!
Dragons of Tarkir brought in my new favorite toy - Atarka's Command ! With this, 3 lands, a one-drop spell, and a Monastery Swiftspear , you can get your opponent down to 10 life by Turn …
9 years ago
As I predicted, Treasure Cruise came down with a bad case of the Banhammer today! I'm still open to suggestions about what I could change or do better with the deck. I've been thinking about cutting the Magma Jets for Mutagenic Growth... or maybe sideboarding a copy or two of …
10 years ago