Dragonslayer Games

3944 S Hudson Ave, Tulsa, OK 74135

A small LGS in Tulsa. They host all sorts of a events and even have a Twitch broadcast.

They hold Commander events Wednesday and Sunday. Wednesday is more for casual while Sunday is competitive.

Weekly Events


FNM! Friday Night Magic

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Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

SCORE: 475 | 200 COMMENTS | 61646 VIEWS | IN 230 FOLDERS

Played a game with the Outlaws Vereska, Child, and The dimir dragon Walker. Was wiped three times. Was able to eliminate everyone with Primal Sickness and Gishath. Played Gishath three times.

7 months ago

Squirrely Wrath!

Commander / EDH CardTyrant


Second game night I only played once. It was against a slightly modified Void Gorger, Jared five color, and a Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain artifact deck. Deck once again started really slow. Was hard to recover from wipes as I wasn't making tokens. Did manage to get my infinite combo, but …

7 months ago

Squirrely Wrath!

Commander / EDH CardTyrant


The deck did not perform like I wanted. Played it three times, and lost all three times. I was able to eliminate players, but could never draw my game winning cards.

The first game was two precons and a Nico Bolas theme deck. I knocked out the two precons (LCI …

8 months ago

Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

SCORE: 475 | 200 COMMENTS | 61646 VIEWS | IN 230 FOLDERS

So for my second month, I played Gishath twice again. Same as last month, first game was a pod of 3. I went up against a white Winnie deck and a five color good stuff(?). Gishath and the trample army sweep the game. I took out the the five color …

9 months ago

Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

SCORE: 475 | 200 COMMENTS | 61646 VIEWS | IN 230 FOLDERS

Went out last night to my LGS in Tulsa and played Gishath twice. First match was a three person pod in which I won. One player was playing a combo deck and the other was playing elf ball. The combo player never got off the ground and was hated out …

10 months ago

Veloci-ramp-tor Unleashed

Commander / EDH CardTyrant


I was lucky enough to find the precon at the Prerelease event. I bought it for $44.99. I already had DragonShield sleeves, but wouldn't mind getting the UltraPro sleeves with the Pantlaza on theme. I have yet to make up my mind if I want to keep the Precon intact …

1 year ago

Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

SCORE: 475 | 200 COMMENTS | 61646 VIEWS | IN 230 FOLDERS

So first off, sorry for the VERY late update on the deck. Been busy with work and my daughter.

So the first bit of news. I was able to go to the Prerelease for Lost Caverns of Ixalan! I had a blast! Dragonslayer Games had decorated the store in vines …

1 year ago

Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

SCORE: 475 | 200 COMMENTS | 61646 VIEWS | IN 230 FOLDERS

Got me a nicer version of Bushland and foiled versions of Siegehorn Ceratops and Sunpetal Grove. I think after March of the Machines is fully spoiled and if I get any interesting dinosaurs to build around I might. If not I will take to TCGPlayer and buy several foil cards …

1 year ago

Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

SCORE: 475 | 200 COMMENTS | 61646 VIEWS | IN 230 FOLDERS

After playing a fun game of Emperor, I learned that I really need to add a little more ramp to the deck and protection.

Added Atzocan Seer <- Manalith

Added Taurean Mauler <- Sun-Crowned Hunters

Added Guardian Project <- Elemental Bond

Added Tefer's Protection <- Samut, the Tested

Added Privileged …

5 years ago

Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

SCORE: 475 | 200 COMMENTS | 61646 VIEWS | IN 230 FOLDERS

Played a single four player pod with my wife and two other players. Wife ran her Teysa deck, and the other two were running a B/G Elf deck and a B/W God deck. I ended up eliminating all three players with the help of two board wipes (One from the …

5 years ago