Epic Games

Santa cruz, CA

Past Events


Small Wednesday night Standard Tounament held every week.

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Green White Hardened Scales

Standard meddler91

SCORE: 57 | 129 COMMENTS | 19105 VIEWS | IN 41 FOLDERS

I was able to play 3 rounds in FNM last night before I had to leave early. Here is how the matchups went: 2-0 against Green/Red Mid - Thanks to a strong sideboard I was able to go 2-0 against this deck. What worked out well was getting Managorger Hydra …

9 years ago

Added: Pacifism Stab Would

Took Out: Sorin Planeswalkers Reducted other creatures

10 years ago


Standard* abelethan


Played with a few people the other day. Went pretty good. Had some advice to add a Jace i had on hand and also some Ajani, Mentor of Heros to the deck. I also changed out some of my instants for instants that did extra work. Thoughts are appreciated.

10 years ago

Too much life gain. Not enough power. How should i tweak this to make it worth playing in modern. Need tons of help with spells and side board as well.

10 years ago

Nekusar, draw of death

Commander / EDH michel_rioclaro

SCORE: 1 | 499 VIEWS

Commander Friday Night

10 years ago