It was an acceptable night, could've gone 3-1, but played the wrong loyalty ability that ultimately cost me a game.
- Round 1: "Sultai" Flash (L 1-2)
- Round 2: Rakdos Aristocrats (W 2-0)
- Round 3: Rakdos Aristocrats (L 1-2)
- Round 4: Simic Adapt (W 2-0)
5 years ago
It's possible that bad match ups were the real issue and not the decks fault that I only managed 1-3 this evening. Noxious Grasp would've made a huge difference in my first two matches.
- Gruul Dinos (L, 1-2)
- Simic Hydras (L, 1-2)
- Mono-Blue Flyers (W, 2-0)
- …
5 years ago
It was only a .500 night, but sometimes you can't avoid the Lightning Strike to the face when you have less than 3 life.
- Round 1: (1-2 L) Mono-Red
- Round 2: (1-2 L) Gruul Dinosaurs
- Round 3: (2-0 W) Orzhov Jank
- Round 4: (2-0 W) Simic …
5 years ago
- Round 1: (W) Bye
- Round 2: (2-1 W) Mardu Aristcorats
- Round 3: (2-0 W) Sultai Midrange
- Round 4: (1-2 L) Gruul Aggro
Had a pretty good night with this. Pretty sure I could've won the last round, but there was a misplay on my part that …
5 years ago
Though I only played two rounds this Friday. I did get some decent testing in on using Desecrated Tomb with this build. I lost both 2-1, but those were account of misplays in my end, not how the deck was preforming. However I need to find another sac outlets outside …
5 years ago
6 years ago
I only played against two decks on Friday, had a bye on one of my three rounds, one was Mono-White enchantment shenanigans. Really bad match up for this deck. When you only have three Duress you can only do so much.
Second deck I played against had more white in …
6 years ago
I haven't been playing this as my primary deck, but I have been doing some non-tournament testing at my LGS to get a better feel for it. From what I've gathered so far is that I should drop the zombies out, Death Baron and Diregraf Ghoul, for mainboard Plaguecrafter and …
6 years ago
Last night went pretty well, won two of the three matches I played.
===panel: Grixis Treason (Win 2-0)
I've been working with this person on this deck they played against. They also know my deck fairly well because I've played them practically every Friday. Ritual of Soot the board …
6 years ago
Part of me feels like I shouldn't be changing things so often, but they aren't huge changes, I suppose it's fine.
Plaguecrafter is getting dropped for an additional Twilight Prophet and Ritual of Soot and if there is a need I can leave both at two and side in two …
6 years ago
It was expected since there is a Pro Tour in Atlanta this weekend. We played round robin with the three of us that were there, didn't opt to play this deck. Hopefully next week I'll have a new update.
6 years ago
It was an eventuality, since it's mostly a dead card, but can generate a win once and a while. It was a fun little mechanic that I need to move on from. The change from Spell Pierce to Syncopate did improve my ability to have answers to most spells if …
6 years ago
My worst showing during FNM so far this rotation. Mostly due to my poor play, but my opponent being better. I was playing way too aggressive for a Midrange/Control deck. Spell Pierce did me in every time I had it in hand. Negates are looking real good, even though it …
6 years ago
I feel like I need Ritual of Soot for the amount of Stompy Ramp floating around right now. Noticed a lot of 3 and under mana cost creatures and I don't currently have a board wipe to handle them. The only creatures I have are four cost with the exceptions …
6 years ago
I didn't lose a match tonight, but I only went 1-0-2. A win and two draws. We only had enough people for three rounds instead of at least usually four. I still haven't had to chance to procure all of the cards needed to update this deck to include the …
6 years ago