6 years ago
This deck got 6th place out of 15.
Round 1: bye
Round 2: 1-2-0
Round 3: 2-0-0 Vs. W/U angel/control
FNM: 1-1-1 Vs phanharmonicon stupid idk what to even call it deck
Round 2: 2-0-0 Vs. W/U angel/ control
Round 3: 2-1-0 Vs B/U control
Then I withdrew due to …
8 years ago
This deck went 2-1 at standard showdown, I got 6th out of 15.
8 years ago
The new version of the deck performed really well to the exception of Gaea's Revenge.. Just...Fuck that card.
Round 1: Lost 2-1 to Mono Green Ramp^.
Round 2: Won against W/G Ramp. 2-1.
Round 3: Won against Jeskai Control 2-1.
Round 4: Won against Mono Green Ramp without Gaea's Revenge.
9 years ago
I didn't like it. I did well, but I didn't like it. I just didn't. I LOVED milling 20+ in one turn but I hated how I did it. Might find a new way to work with Sphinx's Tutelage beside's Fog..
9 years ago
FNM 3-1 Picked up 7th out of 26.
Round One: I played terribly. I lost to Mono White 2-1.
Round Two: I won pretty easily against a Mono Green 2-1.
Round Three: I won again, pretty easy against a G/W Devotion 2-0.
Round Four: I won against Jeskai Tokens 2-1. …
9 years ago
Bad. Just.
Bad. Not even worth the time to type it out.
9 years ago
This is the best I've ever done at FNM with a deck and I'm rather surprised with myself. I loved how the deck performed and can't wait for my other two Dragonlord Ojutai
First Round: I played a bant control deck it was weird and not the greatest. First game …
9 years ago
Round 1: I played against my friend's Assault Formation and because I knew what it was I was able to wait around for his key star to come out before countering it. 2-0
Round 2: I played against my friend's Mardu Dragons build, which I knew of again. I knew …
9 years ago
So, I decided to try my hand at an improved version of my old Soulflayer deck and what do you know? It went 4-1 and got 4th! My highest rank at FNM so far!
My first round was against a mono-red aggro deck. He out paced me within 10 minutes …
9 years ago
Sixth Place. 2-0-2.
I never lost a game, woo. Tying screwed me over.
Game one: Naya dragons. Won 2-0. Easy
Game two: G/W devotion. Won one, lost one, tied.
Game three: Temur dragons. Won 2-0. Easy
Game Four.....: Abzan...Control.... Won one, lost one, tied...... I hate Abzan.
I would have, …
9 years ago
Went 2-2 at FNM. Got some awesome pick-ups that went into the deck.
First match I played Abzan Graveyard, not Whip, but graveyard. It worked, he won. I mainly lost due to End Hostilities completely wrecking me.
Second match I won pretty nicely.
Third Match I also won.
Fourth match …
9 years ago
Round one: 2-0
Round two: 2-1
Round three: 0-2
Round four: 2-0
My deck felt very strong except against a control deck. I have no idea what I can do to help with control everything I did, he had an answer to. Looking for help in sideboard or even mainboard …
10 years ago
Round one: 2-0
Round two: 2-1
Round three: 0-2
Round four: 2-0
My deck felt very strong except against a control deck. I have no idea what I can do to help with control everything I did, he had an answer to. Looking for help in sideboard or even mainboard …
10 years ago
Round One: Vs. Abzan Midrange: This was your typical Google Search Abzan deck. Game one was a long drawn out game due to him having so much life from 4 Courser of Kruphix and me having to wait for 3 Hornet Queens to apply any threat. Also he was mainboarding …
10 years ago