Frontline Games

287 Stonecrossing Dr. Clarksville, TN 37042

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Kess Storm

Commander / EDH SteemedMuffins


This list is now more storm focused with plan A being to storm off in some fashion (High Tide, Hurkyl's Recall, Lion's Eye Diamond + Yawgmoth's Will) with Aetherflux Reservoir. Plan B is Demonic Consultation + Laboratory Maniac, or Doomsday.

I am tempted to remove the Doomsday plan altogether and …

6 years ago

Mardu Midrange

Standard* Pseudolife


So I murdered the guy I was playing, but when I drew a generator servant turn 5, and he was only down to 14, and I was at 11... I really really could have used a Magma Spray or Lightning Strike instead of the generator servant. Next turn I drew …

10 years ago

Underworld Alliance 2.6

Standard* Pseudolife

SCORE: 1 | 571 VIEWS

UHG..... This deck is just trying to do too much. All the control has to go bye bye! The deck needs 4x Purphoros, 3x Immortal Servitude, and all of my 2/2 hasters need to get put back in. 5 cmc creatures need to be in the sideboard. I think obzedat …

10 years ago