Weekly Events


5 dollars. u win a round- u win a pack.

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Esper Theros (favorite)

Standard* whaletaint666

SCORE: 7 | 11 COMMENTS | 5360 VIEWS | IN 3 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/01

3-0 had fun.

11 years ago

Esper Theros (favorite)

Standard* whaletaint666

SCORE: 7 | 11 COMMENTS | 5360 VIEWS | IN 3 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/01


11 years ago

New Rakdos Control (Demon decks)

Standard ughliz

SCORE: 5 | 10 COMMENTS | 1595 VIEWS | IN 4 FOLDERS Top 8: 11/22

played at a new shop with almost no meta decks. was a lot of fun!

11 years ago