Game Empire (San Diego)

Weekly Events


$6 entry fee. always 32 players and fills up fast. Sanctioned FNM event.

Past Events


MTG: Tournament

Sunday(s) @ 1:00pm

Format: Commander

Decklist: Not Required

Location: Game Empire (Pasadena)

Phone# 626-304-9333

Entry Fee: $6.00

Prize Support: Store Credit

Door Prize: MTG Product (Raffle)

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5 years ago

I made a few changes since last time. Overall, I was not happy with Soul-Guide Lantern and Leyline would have been better. Other than that, changes felt fine.

5 years ago

This is my first time playing the deck competitively but I don't think I made many mistakes. I think most of my mistakes came in mulligan decisions.

R1: 2-0 against 12-Post

Game 1: I was on the play and had to mulligan to six. My opponent's deck wasn't known …

5 years ago

$22* deck got 1st @FNM (10 - 0) MonoU Aggro/Tempo

Standard* sharkudi

SCORE: 124 | 66 COMMENTS | 21098 VIEWS | IN 79 FOLDERS

THANK YOU FOR ALL THE +1's and great feedback. Let's make this a Tier 1 competitive deck together! (comment cleanup)

32 people here tonight. 4 - 0 - 1 on the night. Took an intentional draw with the only other 4 - 0 guy in the last round to split …

10 years ago

$22* deck got 1st @FNM (10 - 0) MonoU Aggro/Tempo

Standard* sharkudi

SCORE: 124 | 66 COMMENTS | 21098 VIEWS | IN 79 FOLDERS

Just played with this deck on a whim after deciding my hexproof deck wasn't feeling rightNever even had a real playtest with it. and it took a few games to get used the playstyle. There were only 28 people tonight.

Round 1 Mono Black Devotion 2 - 0

GAME1: Void …

10 years ago

Discarded & Destroyed (Consistent TOP8's @ FNM)

Standard sharkudi

SCORE: 212 | 206 COMMENTS | 62467 VIEWS | IN 156 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/03

was #7th out of 32 people. Was 1 win away from taking #1st. Only loss was the guy who went #1 who played the currently successful Orzhov Control deck like mine deck:Can you Control the Ghost of a Blood Demon? (TOP8) that I almost played tonight.

Consistently finishing in the …

11 years ago

-{Infinite Biovisionary}- "Standard (G/W/U)"

Standard pauloleson

SCORE: 13 | 8 COMMENTS | 8474 VIEWS | IN 9 FOLDERS Top 8: 04/12

Prior to adding white to the deck!

11 years ago