Ended up triggering off with complete board wipe (land, enchantments, artifacts and creatures gone) and floated mana for Narset to get her back in play. Won from there, but got some saltiness from someone I played against. I guess they didn't notice I wasn't the only person playing a complete …
5 years ago
6 years ago
Decided to give Negate a shot over Unified Will. This was mostly in case I was having a hard time maintaining a boardstate against a deck wanting to drop a Jace the Mind Sculptor. Also went to Settle the Wreckage over Supreme Verdict since I'm not super worried about having …
6 years ago
Went 3-1 at a modern event recently, with the last game being decided with a topdecked lightning bolt.
8 years ago
Didn't do so hot. went 2-2 but i did buy my Domri Rade i needed so next week should be a different story.
10 years ago
10 years ago
I haven't been playing this deck lately since i decided to go back to a revamped version of my older Dragon deck i built a while back. ( Red Dragons ) But with the incusio of a the new Hydra BroodMaster (which i think is a pretty gnarly card) i decided …
10 years ago
I showed the deck to a friend of mine and he suggested Witchstalker for side board. I pulled 2x Mistcutter Hydra from my sideboard and added the stalkers. I also dropped 1 Plummet for another Anger of the Gods. For right now, due to the insane price I have 3 …
10 years ago