Game On! Comics

McCook, Nebraska United States

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Standard Friday Night Magic

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Esper Graves

Commander / EDH* Aurin


Plumbed my collection, still considering a few more reanimates... But, it's about time I edited down this enormous pile of Esper.

Additionally, I am using the Secret Lair Cat Tokens [#27] & the foil Unstable Goblin tokens [#12].

4 years ago

Necropolis MBC

Standard Killabeetle

SCORE: 13 | 16 COMMENTS | 4391 VIEWS | IN 5 FOLDERS Top 8: 08/16

Finished 4-1 (8th) overall

Round 1 vs Jund 0-2

Round 2 vs Mono black 2-0

Round 3 vs Slivers R/G 2-0

Round 4 vs Naya blitz 2-0

Round 5 vs Mono white 2-0

11 years ago