Game Preserve

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Mardu Tokens 1.0

Modern sungkwon


Hey everyone!

Decided to update the Mardu list with some of the new Kaladesh cards being released now.

After my Day 2 at GP Indy I learned that Abbot of Keral Keep is probably the weakest card in the deck. I want to try to find Soulfire Grandmaster to replace …

8 years ago

you get some cards, and you get some cards!

Commander / EDH delusiions


So after playtesting this for the first time on a 1v1 (which i thought it would do terrible) ended up beating a narset deck 5 wins 2 losses, and beat a purphoros deck 3 wins to 0 losses! I can't wait to see how this deck performs in multiplayer!

8 years ago

Aristocrats with BFZ

Modern* sungkwon

SCORE: 2 | 452 VIEWS

5 rounds of Modern at the Game Preserve with Mardu Aristocrats.

Round 1 - Abzan Collected Company Combo

-Game 1: Ramped into turn 3 coco, hit Eternal Witness returned coco, cast again next turn, combo'd off

OUT: Vampiric Rites, Mogg War Marshal

IN: Pithing Needle,Zealous Persecution

-Game 2: Zealous Persecution …

9 years ago

Aristocrats with BFZ

Modern* sungkwon

SCORE: 2 | 452 VIEWS

Thank you for reading about this homebrew Aristocrats deck!

You can catch it on to see it in action versus other decks in the format!

When I took the original list at FNM I went 2-2. Not great, not bad, for a deck with very little revisions and very …

9 years ago

"And Just Like That... They Were Gone"

Modern Kcin

SCORE: 383 | 239 COMMENTS | 44599 VIEWS | IN 265 FOLDERS

Took the incomplete version to FNM this week... lost every game... not due to the deck being weak, just incomplete... i showed the completed decklist that we have come to love here, and they were amazed. Said I would have won more games (even 1 more game would have been …

9 years ago