Gaming ETC

555 Lordship Blvd. Stratford, CT 06615

Stratford, CT USA

Weekly Events


The event is free, but you may pay $5 upon entry to get better prizes(more packs), for example, with a 3-1 record you get 3 packs or equal store credit, if you bought in, you get 6 packs or store credit. The event is well run, and organized, in a …

Past Events


National qualifier held at Gaming etc the largest magic store in CT Winner won a trip to nationals.

lainxyz says... #1

I Did Ok.... I Lost All Matches And Got One Bye.. I Won First Match In Two And Since I Didnt Have Sideboard I Was Sideboarded Against And Lost The Rest...

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

qjc1142pigs says... #2

Deck placed first and won 16 packsThough turnout was low player quality was high

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

qjc1142pigs says... #3

not sure what exact spot I ended up in but top 8ed then misplayed and lost

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

reconaissance says... #4


October 11, 2013 4:06 p.m.

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UR Delver

Legacy Comicalflop



Round 1: 2-0 vs. Burn

Round 2: 2-1 vs. Grixis Delver

Round 3: 2-0 vs. BR Reanimator

Round 4: 2-1 vs. Mono Red Blood Moon Prison


Round 1: 2-1 vs. Miracles

Round 2: 0-2 vs. BUG Delver

Round 3: 2-1 vs. Storm

Round 4: 1-2 vs. Turbo …

6 years ago

Golgari Tortured Existence

Pauper* Comicalflop


Pauper Event 3/1/18

Round 1: 0-2 vs. Mono White Heroic, Round 2: Bye, Round 3: 2-0 vs. Elves, Round 4: 2-0 vs. Grixis Mystical Teachings

Pauper Event 3/15/18

Round 1: 0-2 vs. Affinity, Round 2: 2-1 vs. Desert Burn, Round 3: 2-1 vs. UR Thermo/Firebrand/Delver

7 years ago

Pauper Event 2/22/18 - Tied for 1st place

Round 1: 2-0 vs. Mono White Heroic, Round 2: 2-0 vs. Elves, Round 3: 2-1 vs. Mono Red Aggro, Round 4: 1-1-1 Split 1st place vs. Mono Blue Delver

Pauper Event 3/1/18 - 4th

Round 1: 2-0 vs. Abzan Tortured Existence, Round …

7 years ago

Bad Robots - Affinity

Pauper Comicalflop


Pauper 2/8/18

2-0 vs. Izzet Blitz, 2-1 vs. Mono-white Infect, 2-0 vs. UR Delver/Firebrand Archer, 0-2 vs. Naya Gond Combo (Split 1st place)

7 years ago

Canadian Threshold

Legacy Comicalflop



0-2 vs. Mono Red Moon Stompy

2-1 vs. Sultai Crane Aluren

2-0 vs. Sultai Crane Aluren

2-1 vs. Jund

12/2/17 1K

1-2 vs. Manaless Dredge

0-2 vs. Jund Lockdown

2-0 vs. Infect

0-2 vs. Eldrazi Cloudpost

2-1 vs. Bomberman

2-1 vs. Miracles

2-0 vs. Breya Tezzerator


1-1-1 vs. …

7 years ago

1-2 vs Jeskai Spirits

2-0 vs Grixis Twin

2-0 vs Jund

2-0 vs Blue Tron

7 years ago

2-1 vs Esper Mill

2-1 vs Goblins

1-1-1 vs Orzhov sac engine

1-1-1 vs Tezzerator/Thopter combo

7 years ago

Ayli, Eternal Annihilator

Commander / EDH* Fresh303


Played only two rounds of EDH today which is reasonable considering both games were in five player pods. The upgrades I made last week really paid off. Having the mana I needed to play the expensive top end of the curve really helped. Playing combos like the ones I run …

7 years ago

Ayli, Eternal Annihilator

Commander / EDH* Fresh303


Played five rounds of EDH in a four player pod and continually lost to the Prossh, Skyraider of Kher *f-etch* player because I did not find any of my recursion to fight through the removal and persistent threats he had. For the future, I will look into getting powerful hate cards …

7 years ago

My Big Red

Standard TheDesktopNinja


Lost repeatedly to Ramp strategies. Sadness resolved.

Had no responses for Ulamog, so when I came home I decided to tweak the sideboard to have something to exile creatures with Burn from Within was really the only good option.

8 years ago

White weenies

Standard reconaissance

SCORE: 18 | 21 COMMENTS | 5277 VIEWS | IN 4 FOLDERS Top 8: 12/13

Round 1: 2-0 win Vs. UW control:It was a fairly easy matchup. Game one i had a slower start than i would have liked, but i managed to overcome his defenses.

Game 2: He stumbled on mana and i had Boros Charmfoil for his Supreme Verdict.

Round 2: 2-0 Win …

11 years ago

White weenies

Standard reconaissance

SCORE: 18 | 21 COMMENTS | 5277 VIEWS | IN 4 FOLDERS Top 8: 12/13

Round 1 vs RG devotion: I won 2-0 against him. Nothing special. He never got his big creatures out and made some questionable attacks and made some sequencing errors.

Round 2 vs Mono blue Devotion: I won 2-1 against him. Game 1 was close until he had double master of …

11 years ago

White weenies

Standard reconaissance

SCORE: 18 | 21 COMMENTS | 5277 VIEWS | IN 4 FOLDERS Top 8: 12/13

Round 1 vs. Naya Aggro. It was a favorable matchup for me, mostly because my opponent took lots of damage from lands. I ended up winning 2-0.

Round 2 vs. Mono Black Devotion. Another favorable matchup. He ended up killing him self with Thoughtseize. 2-0

Round 3 vs. Bg devotion. …

11 years ago

White weenies

Standard reconaissance

SCORE: 18 | 21 COMMENTS | 5277 VIEWS | IN 4 FOLDERS Top 8: 12/13

I went 4-0 losing only 1 game the entire night

Round 1- Vs. Mono Blue Devotion

Game 1- I had an aggressive start and won through Brave the Elements

Game 2- I had a slower start this game, building up a board state later than usual. I barely won this …

11 years ago

White weenies

Standard reconaissance

SCORE: 18 | 21 COMMENTS | 5277 VIEWS | IN 4 FOLDERS Top 8: 12/13

Round 1:2-1 vs. Dega Control(BRW control). I won game one with a fairly aggressive start and a Brave the Elements for his Anger of the Gods and continued beating him down. I lost game two to two consecutive Anger of the Gods, i basically had a nut draw, three one-drops …

11 years ago