Gem City Games

6342-B Far Hills Ave.

Check out Gem City Games. I play there every Saturday.

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G/W Soul sisters: Infinite

Modern caradine898

SCORE: 3 | 545 VIEWS

I've changed my tune in soul sisters a little bit, now that I've got some playtesting in. Naya Is definitely the way to go and so far I've been doing quite well with the new build sitting at 3-0 and 2-1 pretty regularly in the local tournaments.

Will be making …

9 years ago

G/W Soul sisters: Infinite

Modern caradine898

SCORE: 3 | 545 VIEWS

So I've been testing this one out for a while now and found that mana problems were rampant with this deck, and when there was not a soul sister on the board, I was having issues. So I pitched the traditional soul sisters cards:

Ajani's Pridemate

Serra Ascendant

Auriok Champion

9 years ago

Rakdos Dash

Standard VGMtheVagabond


So, I've learned that mono red and boros tokens are a problem. I also learned that Qal Sisma Behemoth isn't doing much. So I've remove that from the sideboard and replaced it with Virulent Plague.

9 years ago