Gerards One Stop Gaming Shop

349 El Dorado Blvd Houston, TX 77598

Weekly Events


FNM! Friday Night Magic


Win a Box starts at 8 pm Format Is Standard - swiss cut to top 8

Happens every tuesday.


Win a Box Standard format Swiss cut to top 8 Happens every Thursday


Draft starts at 8 pm Swiss cut to top 8

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Just finished putting the deck together. switched out the abbots for dark-dwellers, i think the storm chasers and thing in the ice's are fine for early game. As this is a control deck i'd rather have the goblins for the mid and late game grind. The abbots can be strong …

8 years ago

I will be playing this for game day on sunday. As it is right now, stand toe to toe with some of the top 8 decks from madrid. I lose first game against control and have decent play in game 2, go even with bant and humans and crush all …

8 years ago