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Match 1, Koth Proliferate
Game 1: My opponents deck cannot handle a third turn Lux Cannon.
Game 2: Or a fourth turn Venser apparently.
Score: 2-0Status: 1-0
Match 2, v Rite of Rep Titan Ramp.
Game 1: I know this is a terrible match up for me and I lose swiftly to a third, fourth and fifth turn titan.
Sideboard In: 1x Day of JudgmentSideboard Out: 1x Frost Titan
Game 2: Neither me nor my opponent get our third land drop but both of us play a fourth turn 6 drop (triple chalice + mox v triple birds + cobra). His Titans lose to my Venser + Engine.
Game 3: I take a lot to the face from an early game rite of rep on cobras which means I can't handle a late game 2/2 titan.
Score: 1-2Status: 1-1
Match 3, v White Knights
Game 1: My opponent over commits on 1 drops and gets three-for-oned by a third turn day of judgment. That then leads to a further loss of card advantage.
Sideboard In: 1x Day of JudgmentSideboard Out: 1x Elixir of Immortality
Game 2: A fourth turn engine fifth turn Venser wins me the game.
Score: 2-0Status: 2-1
Match 4, v Emeria Control
Game 1: My opponent cannot fight my tumble magnet, lux cannon, voltaic key and contagion engine. He tries hard with a Stoneforge Mystic on a Mimic Vat, Sun Titans and Steel Hellkites.
Game 2: After much Ratchet bombing my opponent learns that there are indeed creatures in my deck and cops to Frost Titans to the face.
Score: 2-0Status: 3-1
Match 1 v, UB Control
Game 1: This is effectively a bye for me as I resolve a threat with a silence.
Sideboard In: 1x Silence, 2x Luminarch Ascension, 1x Day of JudgmentSideboard Out: 1x Frost Titan, 1x Venser, the Sojourner, 1x Contagion Engine, 1x Lux Cannon.
Game 2: After sideboarding against memoricide I lose to Volition Reins on my Venser.
Game 3: After a very long drawn out game I win to a healthy scoop after a venser alty.
Match 2, v White Knight (again)
Game 1: I am met with a swift demise after failing to find two white sources for my day.
Game 2: A Jeering crowd as gathered around me as the 13 year old piloting the knight deck is clearly a store favourite. To make matters worse I mulligan to 5. Two land, a venser and two challice. I drop my turn four Contagion Engine and then scrub out by not proliferating my two challice before playing venser which would allow me to also proliferate after playing venser. Then when my opponent attacks me I ask if that was at me or venser he thinks about it for a long time in a super tense silence before changing his mind to venser. I proceed to rip land
Game 2:
August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.
Ben9Breaker says... #3
Placed 5thwon 2-0 against mono blueWon 2-0 against Kuldotha Red, Lost 2-1 to Valakut Lost 2-1 to GBW Aggro
August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.
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Jund Legacy 28-10-2013
10 years ago
I'm running out of fingers!
10 years ago
Jund Legacy 28-10-2013
10 years ago
I'm running out of fingers!
10 years ago
Jund Legacy 28-10-2013
10 years ago
Jund Legacy 28-10-2013
TAMA says... #1
Match 1, Vs Mirror Match.Game 1: A 4th turn Venser on the draw blows out my opponents 5th turn play and from there I proliferated into a 7th turn Emblem. Opponent scoops.
Sideboard In: 3x Luminarch Ascension , 3x Precursor Golem .Sideboard Out: 1x Contagion Engine , 2x Elixir of Immortality , 2x Sunblast Angel , 2x Journey to Nowhere .
Game 2: My opponents crafty sideboard of two Volitions Reins and an Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre are all shockingly relevant, stealing a Venser and an online Luminarch Ascension and eventually I succumb to an Ulamog.
Sideboard In: 3x Journey to Nowhere Sideboard Out: 3x Luminarch Ascension
Game 3: After sleeping his Frost Titan with my Frost Titan and then putting his field in a state of despair with a lux cannon he stabalized with a Day of Judgment , Revoke Existence and a Gideon Jura .
Match Result: 1-1-1 Draw.Standings: 0-0-1.
Match 2, Vs Boros Landfall.Game 1: A fifth turn Venser Flickering three Tumble Magnet s and later a Contagion Engine leads to my opponent scooping early.
Sideboard In: 1x Journey to Nowhere , 3x Ratchet Bomb , 3x Day of Judgment .Sideboard Out: 1x Voltaic Key , 3x Lux Cannon , 1x Contagion Engine , 2x Frost Titan .
Game 2: A fourth turn Koth and a lucky draw of 5 mountains turn a Koth Ulti into a two turn clock that I cannot handle at least not after he rips a revoke existence to handle my Ratchet Bomb at four.
Game 3: Mr. Magic loves my opponent granting exactly the right number of the right sort of cards so that no matter what I do I cannot Win. Steppe Lynx + Koth on 1 a Fetch land and two burn spells kills me regardless of what I did turns prior.
Match Result: 1-2 Loss.Standings: 0-1-1.
Match 3, Vs Genesis Wave Elves.Game 1: My Kingdom for a third land drop.
Sideboard In: 1x Journey to Nowhere , 3x Ratchet Bomb , 3x Day of Judgment .Sideboard Out: 1x Voltaic Key , 3x Lux Cannon , 1x Contagion Engine , 2x Frost Titan .
Game 2: Using a Contagion Engine, a Venser, a Mox, two Keys and two Chalices I activated Venser's Ulti three turns in a row. Opponent Scoops.
Game 3: 4th turn Contagion Engine, 5th Turn Contagione Engine, 6th Turn Venser, Need I say more.
Match Result: 2-1 Win.Standings: 1-1-1.
Match 4, Vs Infect
Game 1: My Opponent loses quickly after a single Journey to Nowhere and a Double Frost Titan .
Sideboard In: 1x Journey to Nowhere , 3x Day of Judgment Sideboard Out: 2x Elixir of Immortality , 1x Frost Titan , 1x Sunblast Angel
Game 2: Turn 6 I take an unexpected Putrefax Primal Bellow to the face.
Game 3: After multiple Journeys wipe out his first few waves my Venser Contagion Engine solves my problem from thereafter.
Match Result: 2-1 Win.Standings: 2-1-1.
Match 1 of TOP 8 Vs Emeria, the Sky Ruin Reanimation
Game 1: After what seemed like years of Tumble Magnets and Gideon Defenses an Elspeth board wipe set us almost back to zero and then I suffered the crawling wrath of Pilgrim's Eye .
Sideboard In: 3x Precursor Golem Sideboard Out: 1x Voltaic Key , 2x Lux Cannon .
Game 2: My opponent lead with a 2nd turn Luminarch Ascension followed by another one the turn after, I parry with a Frost Titan only to be met by Day of Judgment . I deny my opponent land (and hence angels) through frost titan and tek edges and then play a Precursor which beats through the Angels with the help of Tumble Magnet , Contagion Engine and the one of Lux Cannon .
Game 3: Mr. Magic hates my opponent and gives him two land and he scoops when I cast my Frost Titan .
Match Result: 2-1 WinStandings: 4th.
Match 2 of TOP 8 Vs Tapa's UB Control.
Game 1: Forgetting about a Creeping Tar Pit is a fatal flaw.
Sideboard In: 3x Luminarch Ascension Sideboard Out: 2x Journey to Nowhere , 1x Sunblast Angel .
Game 2: A 2nd turn Luminarch Ascension gets me a fourth turn win when my opponent scoops.
Game 3: Mr. Magic hates me and gave me nothing but land.
Match Result: 1-2 LossStandings: 4th.
August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.