went 3-1, should taking out 2nd, If i had ID with my opponent would have taken 1st.
8-Rack 2-1
Ad Nauseam 2-0
Soul Sisters 2-0 (grindy game one at 38minute, game two took 4 minutes)
Grixis Shadow 0-2
7 years ago
Deck got wrecked by burn, tokens and heavy removal decks - so time for a rethink and a sideboard to suit!
Black is just slowing the deck down, so it's gone - speed and efficiency will help getting more creatures out and triggering more counters.
Notable inclusions are: Citadel Siege, …
9 years ago
So I took this deck to games day after making a few minor alterations, i swapped master of the feasts for 2 Chandra pyromasters in the side board and swapped the Mogis for a second Sarkhan.
First round I drew with an abzan mid range because of time restraints though …
10 years ago
The night before the first M15 FNM I was fortunate enough to get in a few quick Sliver vs. Sliver games against the store owner of Good Games St. James, Dave. It taught me a few new things about my changes made to Sliver Supremacy.
The major change I …
10 years ago
10 years ago