I went 3-1 going 2-0 against 3 decks, 2 Jund decks and a mono-U Tron deck then I went 1-2 against a Pod deck.I almost won but I was 1 colorless mana of my P angel and lost to 2 angles so it was a close game. I changed the …
10 years ago
I went 3 and 1 losing to an fast passed enchantment deck that voltroned a Gladecover Scout so I could not Karn it, but I versed 2 other tron decks a MU and a WUB deck. I had 7 wins over all and 5 loses but it was very fun. …
10 years ago
5 rounds of swiss before a cut to the top 8.
Round 1 Mono Black Aggro Won 2-1
After a really slow start I lost the first game. Then games 2 and 3 were almost exactly the same, having Rageblood Shaman and Kragma Warcaller out and trampling trhough the last …
10 years ago
Went 2-0-3 with this deck
lost game 2-3-4 against esper control and america control
won against mono white life gain by racing life gain with the whip and Lotleth Troll
decided to take out 4 Slitherhead and put in 2 Tenacious Dead and 2 Renowned Weaver and side in the …
10 years ago