So Friday saw me at Fire & Dice Games in Middlesbrough for FNM. Local FNM, but split into two sections of casual/competitive, so hopefully a reasonable standard of decks.
1) 2-1 vs R Cavalcade.
Cavalcade of Calamity and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell make an excellent combination. SB was -Niv, …
5 years ago
Took Ugin out of the deck in favor of a fourth Ballista. Kept Ulamog and Sundering Titan on board to see how they'd run. A friend let me borrow his Surgical Extractions, so I had those available in the sideboard.
Round 1: Grixis Delver (0-2)
- Game 1: Chalice on …
7 years ago
Match 1 - Eldrazi Aggro - WIN 2-0
Game 1: I'm on the draw. Opening hand mostly fetch lands and a cloudpost and a crop rotation. Mulligan to 6, get a Show and Tell, Primeval Titan, brainstorm and 4 lands one being a fetch. He starts off very strong and …
8 years ago
Reset stuff, I made a few infinite combos, many of which work, I think I had a few typos when making it, which screwed up the whole combo.
9 years ago
Went 2-2
Lost against Abzan control and Bant Morphs both match ups aren't favorable. I did play 4 self inflicting wound to the side board but that doesn't do much against wingmake Roc.
I'm defently learning the deck more. Lots of choices,
9 years ago
Overall I went 4-2 with the deck and got 11th place, pretty good for not playing standard in over six months. I could have won one more match if only I understood the deck better. It seemed to fair really well against atarka red. Need help on what to side …
9 years ago
Tonight I took the deck to another LGS in my area and I won second place. I defeated Mono-Red Thopters and Jace-Jeskai Burn, then lost to Abzan Control in the final round.
9 years ago
Went to an SCG IQ, and went 2-3 overall.
G1: Grishoalbrand 1-2
G2: Grixis Control 2-0
G3: GR Tron 1-2
G4: UG Infect 2-1
G5: Mardu Burn 0-2
Changes I am making to the deck. Sort of testing more than anything, but i found myself never really wanting to play …
9 years ago