4 years ago
I've done some changes and streamlined my approach to color distribution, and getting some of the cards that were suggested before.
If A card you'd put in here isn't in this list, assume I don't have it in my collection and is the reason why it's not there.
Again, constructive …
5 years ago
If you are the sole control deck in the game you are less likely to win. Especially against a consistent aggression decks. combos are easily dealt with because of the amount of removal but will need more protection against aggressive decks in general. further playtesting is required.
6 years ago
Another awesome event. Feeling even more confident in this build. But might look into a little more sideboard differences to shore up the creature based deck weakness.
Round 1 Scapeshift 2-1
Game 1
Turn 2 Orb, into turn 3 and 4 Fraying. A single Glimpse put him down.
Game 2 …
7 years ago
Took the same list again and am loving it. The looks people get when they realize what is happening is great. And the joy they feel when you pop your first fetch into Watery Grave and they think Death's Shadow, then bomb them into oblivion with the weight of their …
7 years ago
Took it out to FNM and went 4-0.
Match 1 Mill/Dredge 2-1
Game 1 Went pretty much as planned. Turn 1 Crab into Turn 2 Orb put him on constant threat. I milled faster.
Game 2 He sideboards from Mill into a selfmill/Dredge deck. I am soon Bloodghasts start to …
7 years ago
Had some suggestions from Reddit, and used them to try to refine the deck a bit. Added protection for Kalitas (Lightning Greaves, Darksteal Plate) and some value Voltron equipment (Sword of Feast and Famine, Lashwrithe). Several other changes as well. Tried it out at commander night at a LGS, 3 …
8 years ago
Deck Changes -
Lots of changes. Based on the grixis delver that got 23rd at the GP, I'm adding 3 Deprives (cutting mana leaks and remands) which means I need more islands. So I removed 2 Inquisition of Kozilek in favor of 2 Spell Snare. Added 2 Islands, cut a …
10 years ago
Decklist Changes -
- 1 Pestermite, -1 Terminate, -2 Remand, -2 Spell Snare
+1 Spellstutter Sprite, +1 Far//Away, +2 Logic Knot, +2 Inquisition of Kozilek
SB Changes -
- 1 Far//Away, -1 Pithing Needle, -1 Dispel
+2 Countersquall, +1 Rakdos Charm
I've been siding out remands in almost every matchup, …
10 years ago
Deck changes -
-2 mana leak
+2 countersquall
+2 Creeping Tar Pit
-1 Island
-1 Desolate Lighthouse
-1 Raven's Crime
+1 Pestermite
-1 Lavamancer
+1 Darkblast
R1 vs Soul Sisters / Tokens (mono-white)
Game 1 he got to 46 life and beat me down with a fleet of 2/2 …
10 years ago
R1 vs UR aggro Delver - Easy wins. Swiftspear just isn't playable without treasure cruise imo. I beat him out 1 for 1 easily, then my tasigurs/snapcasters kept giving me gas. I don't think I was ever hellbent in either matches. Also he tried to jam a maindeck Blood Moon …
10 years ago
BW Tron: 2-1
RDW: 0-2
Affinity: 1-2
Rock: 2-1
10 years ago