Grey Haven Hobbies

White Rock B.C.

Weekly Events


FNM! Friday Night Magic

So I did some play testing yesterday at the local card shop. Let's just say people don't like playing against this deck. I played against a R/G land destruction deck, a B/R vampire tribal deck and a tier 1 Melira Pod deck. I went 6-4 against R/G, 3-2 against B/R and 2-1 against Melira Pod. I think that is pretty good for a tier 2.5 deck.

Now, I've managed to arrange a deal wih a friend for a play set of Lilliana of the Veil. All I have to do is figure out what to cut for the sexy Planeswalker. Suggestions are much appreciated.

July 12, 2014 3:29 p.m.

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