Guildhall Games

56 London Rd Dover, Kent CT17 0SP

Weekly Events


Getting right in there with a Khans of Tarkir booster draft, £10 per player, with all the usual promos and prizes! Don't forget it's the release day for Khans of Tarkir as well, so you can pick up your intro packs and fat packs as well!

Past Events


Macmillan Coffee Morning A bit out of the ordinary for us, but we do like to raise money for charity where we can, and with Xmas fast approaching we want to reach out to people who don't normally come in and show them what we're all about! So spread the …


Khans of Tarkir Game Day Prizes, promos and playmats! £4 entry for the standard tournament, plus extra events and free casual play! Stop by and join the fun!


Yep, it's already time to start thinking about the next prerelease! The usual shenanigans can be expected - prerelease packs, bigger prize pools, sneak peeks at the upcoming set before it's released!

The store opens at 10am, and we'll aim to start play at midday. You can collect and open …

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