Hi De Ho Comics

1431 Lincoln Blvd Santa Monica, CA 90401

My favored local store located in Santa Monica. Hosts a wide variety of events including FNM, Modern, Draft, and the largest Commander league in the area!

Weekly Events


A weekly Commander league where players can meet and have some multiplayer fun!

The league starts at 7PM every Wednesday. $5 entry for a season, seasons are 1-2 months long. Each week has 2 games where players can earn points and win prizes.

Players earn points from certain in game …

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Glittering Company

Modern* JacobAGrossman

SCORE: 284 | 334 COMMENTS | 48280 VIEWS | IN 86 FOLDERS

Hello all and welcome to the latest update! So many new cards and shifts have added to the meta over the last couple months, so I've finally updated the deck to a point where I feel like it's ready for the current landscape. Let's just get right into it! Here's …

2 years ago

Glittering Company

Modern* JacobAGrossman

SCORE: 284 | 334 COMMENTS | 48280 VIEWS | IN 86 FOLDERS

Massive update with the new set. Description in comments.

2 years ago

Glittering Company

Modern* JacobAGrossman

SCORE: 284 | 334 COMMENTS | 48280 VIEWS | IN 86 FOLDERS

Best version of deck so far, let me know what you think!

2 years ago

Glittering Company

Modern* JacobAGrossman

SCORE: 284 | 334 COMMENTS | 48280 VIEWS | IN 86 FOLDERS

Updated for tournament play this upcoming Sunday. Feels mostly optimized, wishing a few weaker card choices weren't so necessary. But feels like it's been maximized for the upcoming occasion

2 years ago