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Kaalia Destroys Them All
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 2 | 413 VIEWS
FNM at Mills
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 2 | 413 VIEWS
swmchick511 says... #1
Went 3-1(this is with grasp of darknesses instead of go for the throats, 1 river boa and 1 nighthawk instead of green sun's zeniths)
Beat U/B in first roundBeat BGW in 2nd roundBeat Mono-green ramp 3rd roundLost to Mono-black vamps in the final round (was stuck on 4 green mana and no birds first game and even though I sided out my doomblades for consume the meeks and consuming vapors, I saw no removal the entire game)
August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.