This FNM wasn’t as well-attended as the last one was — there were only enough players to run four rounds of Swiss with a cut to the Top 4. Not much else to say. Played against three tiered deck archetypes, beat them all. Made it to Top 4, played it …
6 years ago
After several weeks of hiatus, I returned to this Pirate deck. The local FNM meta is different now, post-Mythic Championship Ravnica Allegiance. There are lots of Sultai Midrange lists, as well as the obvious Mono-Blue Tempo. There were also the usual Esper Midrange, Esper Control, and Mono-Red Aggro type lists …
6 years ago
Well, the winning streak had to end sometime. It wouldn’t be honest of me if I only posted about my top finishes with this list. Eventually, if you play enough, you will go to an event and fail to top. That’s what happened here — but I put up a …
6 years ago
FNM, again. Top 4, again. I’m gonna say it. This Pirate deck is the real deal. I have put it to the test time and time again, against the best decks in the metagame. Sure, like any deck in Standard, it has its unfavorable matchups here and there, but on …
6 years ago
Back again with RB Pirates for the first FNM of the Ravnica Allegiance Standard season! Numerous exciting decks took to the field, trying all sorts of powerful new cards and spicy strategies. I had no appetite for such novelties — not yet anyway. I spent a few dollars on the …
6 years ago
This was a bit of a truncated FNM, since the midnight Prerelease for Ravnica Allegiance was scheduled to immediately follow (as a side note, I participated at all five Prerelease events hosted by Jacksonville Game Center that weekend — three single-player, banded four-round events, and two Two-Headed Giant, banded four …
6 years ago
Finally posted a top finish with this list — and even better, we finally beat that net-decked, try-hard, foiled-out Jeskai control list that has been terrorizing the store. We did this not only in Swiss, but also when we met him again in the Top 4 — and it was …
6 years ago
The first FNM in what has been a personally rough year for me so far. Attendance was better this time, with numerous interesting archetypes represented. We had enough players to go for five rounds of Swiss, and it was pretty fun. Again, I mainboarded my four copies of Duress, …
6 years ago
These days, this store has a small Standard crowd, and sometimes they don’t even fire the FNM event for that format (they’ve got a fairly robust Modern scene though). Anyway, this was a small event, but the major Standard archetypes were still represented. There was the usual preponderance of control …
6 years ago
Top 8 finish
Thought I would be the only mono-Black, but out of my 6 matches I hit a mirror match that utilized they aetherborn, squires, and Lilianas. This deck offered more than adequate removal and a larger late game than the mirror could keep up with. The Aggro …
6 years ago
7 years ago
This was my first spin with the deck, with basically no prior playtesting. It was a tough field, but all things considered, I did all right. Note: I'm writing this on 10-25 because this is the first chance I've gotten to do so. I'll also be writing last night's FNM …
10 years ago
This will be my deck for the first FNM after Khans!! I know I have only included one card from Khans but I didn't open too many things from my pre-release packs to go in here. I do love this deck a lot and now I think it can stand …
10 years ago
10 years ago