Other than foiling it out a little more, I have the following changes:
Quest for Renewal out for Explore.
It felt like Quest just wasn't doing enough.
Reveillark out for Dragonlord Dromoka.
No real reason for the change. Just want to try out something different.
7 years ago
Went positive, no prizes though :( Breakdown:
Not really a challenge, I just quellered and countered all of his spells. Fun games though
Game 1 was a narrow win, I was down to two and he was at 4 and …
7 years ago
I didn't do too well at this event, but I won a playmat giveaway that made it all worth it! Here's the match breakdown:
I had the upper hand for a while until he was able to resolve a Geist, and he slowly turned the game …
7 years ago
First time playing my deck on paper, went 6-1 in games and 3-0 in matches! 6 people played in the event. The breakdown is as follows:
Game 1 was close but he was too fast for me. Games 2 and 3 were won by two lucky opening …
8 years ago
9 years ago
Had to switch out all those basic lands for lands that matter! Wasnt getting lands when I needed them and the such....
10 years ago
So Modern launched, so there wasn't more than 12 people in Standard. I got a easy matchup vs a second time Mono Back Dev, and Blood Baron proved a rock here. Devour Fleshing my D-Demons played an important part here, as he was able to rush me frequently. 2-0 me. …
10 years ago
So I Top 8ed the first FNM with this deck. Very happy with most matchups. First matchup was against American Control. I ended up losing the first match to a Ultied Jace, but the next match I got the drop on him and managed to rush him down. The last …
10 years ago
Looked over feedback, and got some tips from a guy who plays a Orzhov deck. i scrimmed against him a few times, and I noticed a few things. Blood Barons do work. They are strong on their own, you can't chump block them, and if they stick, they are difficult …
10 years ago