Just Games Rochester, LLC

1601 Penfield Rd, Suite 750, Rochester, New York 14625

Board, card & role-playing games in Rochester, NY

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FNM! Friday Night Magic


Draft Night

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Legacy brew

Legacy* Asterix329


its been a while since I even looked at this deck, in person events be damned. added some +2 Ceremonious Rejection and +1 Plague Engineer and cut the Snapcaster Mages out completely from the 75. also toying with Bitterblossom

4 years ago

Born of Hate

Standard xceric


Beat (were)wolf tribal 2-0

Fizzled late in game 1 against Jund Snek energy, almost won. Mana starved game 2. Probably need to go back to 22.

Beat flying vehicles 2-0

7 years ago

Born of Hate

Standard xceric


Faced a deathtouch deck, a wolf/werewolf deck and snek. Only lost one game to the wolves with a terrible draw (should have mulliganed to 4). No one was able to keep creatures on the board long enough to do anything with them. Then Bedlam Reveler or Skyship Stalker FTW.

7 years ago

Went 2-1 (5-3 in games) at my first ever FNM. Had a blast and faced decks that I never could have imagined I would see.

7 years ago