Legend of Superheros

middlebury, Connecticut USA

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Clod9 says... #1

FNM tonight with my B/W allies deck. over all did 2-2 and got 4th

First round went 2-0 to a bant control type deck

Second round went 1-2 to a red burn control deck. overwhelmed him the first game and lost to not drawing land the second and thrid games until it was too late

Third round went 0-2 to a U/B control deck that answered everything i played and had grave titan and wurmcoil that ate my allies.

Fourth round went 2-1 to a B/R vampire deck. His lack of vampires plus the no draw combo with bala ged theif and mimic vat got me the first game. He drew more creatures than i did the second game and ondu cleric game me more life per turn that he could take away and he scooped.

Over did very well. I have a few adjustments to the deck i'm going to add.

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

Clod9 says... #2

Placed 8th out of 30 decks with B/G Birthing Pod

Round one: Mono White Battle Cry (2-0) Acidic Slime killed off swords and Massacre Wurm finished off his team both games

Round two: Mono Black control (1-2) I could of won this game if i played Obstinate Baloth to gain 4 life over playing Acidic Slime to kill off a land in game 1. Game two Viridian Emissary beatdown for 4 turns and then i hard casted an Acidic Slime the next 2 two turns to keep him off 4 lands. Game 3 He played Pyrexian Obliterator and had all removal.

Round three: Mono Red (0-2) He over ran me with burn and creatures game 1. Game 2 i could of won if i had played Obstinate Baloth to gain 4 life when i was at 14 life so he couldn't kill me. and then my 2 pyrexian crusaders would have been lethal

Round Four: Jor Kadeen Deck: (2-0) this deck was a joke. I got Acidic Slime on Mimic Vat game one and blew up everything he had, until i played Grave Titan and won. game two I had an acitive pod which was getting me land. I eventually hard casted Gaea's Revenge to swing for lethal.

Round Five: Mono Red: (2-1) I made a mistake game one and let him ultimate with koth which caused my defeat game one. Game two i kept him off his lands and won with Phyrexian Crusader . Game three took longer than it should of because it was late and i wasnt thinking straight but sheoldred forced him to sac creatures and Wurmcoil Engine was getting me back life from his burn spells which lead to his demise.

Overall went 3-2, I made some changes to the deck based off suggestions, i could of done better if I knew the deck more. You lose and learn.

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

Clod9 says... #3

Standard FNM

I played monoblack infect and went 5-0 for the night

Round 1 Vs. 4 color dredge 2-0Nothing much to say, He had nothing going on until turn 4 and it didn't have flying

Round 2 Vs. BUG Control 2-0Game 1 was a little touch because he had some removal and acidic slimes for the lastwrith but not enoughGame 2 He mulled to 5 and got completely over run by turn 4

Round 3 Vs. Township tokens 2-0Game 1 Phyrexian Crusader did work until he played [day of judgement] but he was at 9 poison and i had a virulent woundGame 2 I had a Nuts draw and won turn 3

Round 4 Vs. Haunted Humans 2-1Game 1 he drew all of his oblivion rings and I got mana screwed.Game 2 He got mana screwed and lost to a turn 4 lashwritheGame 3 I had 2 discard spells in my opening and took all of his action, Inkmoth did work

Round 5 Vs U/B midrange 2-1Game 1 He had 4 dismembers mainboard which killed me, along with a flipped delverGame 2 I Had 2 mutagenic growths and 2 inkmoths, which ended it quicklyGame 3 He got mana screwed but I had a nuts hand. Won the turn before skitheryx came out

Changes: I Need to get a contagion clasp in my main board and more discard, because the control match up is still tough to deal with.

January 7, 2012 4:26 p.m.

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