Lucky Bard Games

209 W Stephen Foster Ave Bardstown, Kentucky 40004

Weekly Events


Friday Night Magics at the lucky bard gives you twice the chance for promos, and winning! First a constructed Tournament at 6PM, then at 9PM a Draft Every Friday!

Past Events


The Lucky Bard Games Gatecrash Pre-release weekend! Friday, the 25th at Midnight, Saturday the 26th registration starts at 12:00PM, Same for Sunday the 27th. 30$ Entry Fee. Fun, Friendly environment. Saturday is shaping up to be as large as last years with about 50 people. So stop in for a …


Gatecrash Gameday! It's $10 entry this Saturday at 2PM. Standard decks only, and prize give away for Top 8 (Not including promos). First place gets a full set of Return to Ravnica Prerelease kits, that's all 5 guilds, 30 packs in total. The rest of the pay out will be …

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The Maze

Standard* kriskurse

SCORE: 5 | 7 COMMENTS | 2186 VIEWS | IN 4 FOLDERS Top 8: 05/31

Got 4th - Lost the First round due to milling. didnt even ruin the Maze's Endfoil combo. lol just milled the deck out. The rest of the day went normal. The deck is progressively getting better against meta decks, and is starting to look like a real competitive hitter for …

11 years ago


Modern kriskurse

SCORE: 8 | 3 COMMENTS | 3708 VIEWS | IN 1 FOLDER Top 8: 01/04

Went 4-0 Last FNM At my local shop, Lucky Bard Games. 1st Game. 2-1 Against OmniDoorThragFire - He was going to win but he didnt Fog when he should have. Which left him at 2 life for my Deathrite without an answer for him before my upkeep.

2nd Game - …

12 years ago