Going to keep this one short since I have my hands full with some personal things (repairing car, planning bachelor party, creating game art...). The results for this week I attended my shops Tuesday night standard event and FNM. The results of the deck were 2/1 on Tuesday and 3/2 …
7 years ago
Sorry for not getting around to updating the Game Day results till just now. Life got a little complicated over the last couple days, but now you also get the update from my shops Tuesday Night Magic standard event as well. The Saturday game day had some disappointing results because …
8 years ago
Keeping this post short because I am tired and want to get one in before the Game Day. Will update this pose with Game day results later likely. Just wanted to let people know that this deck managed to do well enough against some tough deck comps and managed to …
8 years ago
Deck had its first crash course test this Tues. The deck is currently at 90% complete and worked really well with some slight issues because I rushed the deck building process. What I mean by that is the deck had some land issues because I hastily threw lands into the …
8 years ago
As the deck has not received a lot of changes at the moment, I have come to the conclusion that I like the power certain cards are providing at will make some changes to adjust for this. First off is that we will be saying goodbye to Thalia's Lieutenant as …
8 years ago
With the close of the year we had a final chance to show the decks action for 2016. The results are good. The deck swept the event winning 3-0. The inclusion of the smugglers copters proved very strong and lead to the quick wins when drawn and when not drawn …
8 years ago
The deck is still performing well but tripped before it could reach the goal of undefeated and had to settle for consolation prize pack. I only think 1 more card is need to help make the deck run its smoothest and that is the loot copter and I hate that …
8 years ago
Sorry for update delay. The deck is not performing as consistently at the FNM scene as with private tests and am looking to see what can be altered. Currently the deck runsntobslow to handle most rush decks and am looking to find ways to habdle them without taking away too …
8 years ago
First update is that the deck was not used on FNM because I wanted to test a different deck as well since I am going to the Showdowns while they are going on. I find that at the Showdowns I am seeing some more faces and different deck designs that …
8 years ago
Last Saturday was the start of the Showdown event for standard format with prize of special packs. The deck performed a little below its usual as it drew into opening hands where it was stuck playing with the higher cost cards. So the tests on Fleetwheel are leading to it …
8 years ago
The deck has reached its goal of getting 1st place. Most of the opponents this time were control decks and the deck was able to be either too fast for them or was able to throw of their tempo. Deck still feel like some things could be made better, but …
8 years ago
Good news for the deck as I experimented a little with the build before use. Still missing 1 card for the experimentation but in the end the deck pulled through undefeated 3/0. Less people at the store then normal this time as we only had 3 rounds instead of the …
8 years ago
Game results for FNM from this last Fri was 2/1/1 . The matches were were vs all control theme decks this night with the gearhulk deck being the least controlling. The results from each match were:
2/0: r/w/b gearhulk re-animator. First hand stomped him because he couldn't get beyond four …
8 years ago
Deck has made more progress ending the night going 2-1-1. To be honest, my loss was brought on in part due to player error more then deck because I was having trouble focusing due to the day just being long. The side deck seems to be working very well as …
8 years ago
So this last Friday I was able to test the deck with some slight tweaks like the new addition of Choking Restraints. Looking to adjust deck a little more based on results from past two days. The results from FNM are 2/2 placing 5th for the night.
Round 1: B/R …
8 years ago