Manticore Game Shop

258 Fort Zumwalt Square O'Fallon, Mo 63366

Weekly Events


Standard Tournament FNM held by Manticore Game Shop. Typically a booster pack per win $10 or $15

This is not my event I merely participate and wanted to spread the word to locals.

They do a draft as well the same night.

I noted 15 players total but that doesn't …


Modern Magic (6:30 PM Central Time)

  • Entry Fee: $5. Store credit can be used to enter.
  • Tournament Structure: Three-round Swiss. Best of three.
  • Prize Structure:
    • Win 1 Round = 1 Standard-Legal Booster Pack
    • Win 2 Rounds = 2 Standard-Legal Booster Packs or $6 in Store …

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On November 30, 2019, I played at the Manticore Game Shop, which was my primary FLGS for many years. Even after moving away so it became one of the furthest shops from my new home, I still consider it my main stomping ground. I knew almost everyone who played in …

5 years ago
  1. Counters Combo - W W
  2. Burn - W W
  3. Creeping Dredge - W L W
6 years ago

Can't remember my matchups nor my results other than getting at least one 0-2 and leaving the night with no wins at all.

I did change my deck and sideboard to tailor it more to my local meta.

6 years ago


6 years ago
  1. Gruul Aggro - W L W
  2. Hardened Scales Affinity - W L W
  3. Kiln Fiend Aggro - W W
6 years ago

I recently regained access to this deck, which was being held by a relative who refused to hand it over until I got a court order to do so. Backed with three sheriff's deputies, I was able to get this and some of my other possessions back.

Deck Update: …

6 years ago

Main Deck

  • +1 Kolaghan's Command
  • -1 Fatal Push


  • -1 Kolaghan's Command
  • -1 Kozilek's Return
  • +2 Disdainful Stroke


  1. Mono Green Infect - W W
  2. UR Storm - W W
  3. Blue Moon - W W
7 years ago

Main Deck

  • -4 Opt
  • -1 Fatal Push
  • +1 Blood Crypt
  • +1 Snapcaster Mage
  • +1 Stubborn Denial
  • +2 Lightning Bolt


  • -1 Stubborn Denial
  • -1 Blood Crypt
  • -1 Disdainful Stroke
  • +1 Young Pyromancer
  • +2 Kolaghan's Command


  1. Grixis Delver …
7 years ago

Played Grixis Death's Shadow with Mishra's Baubles, at the suggestion of a fellow Grixis Death's Shadow player.

  1. Jund (2-1)
  2. RG Ponza (2-1)
  3. Grixis Death's Shadow (2-1)
7 years ago

Game 1: vs Mono black agg (0-2) Just to fast with all the 1-3 drops and life gain.

Game 2: Vs Izzit (U/R) "Draw?" (2-0) Their main win con was locust god and drawing a ton of cards. take a little more dmg to let them draw a few more …

7 years ago

I decided to take the advice of others who suggested that I try a more standard version of Grixis Death's Shadow. I went up to three maindeck Stubborn Denials and also added some maindeck copies of Liliana of the Veil. Unfortunately, I was careless and forgot to replace the Stubborn …

7 years ago

I forgot to log this event and am trying to piece things together from memory and from the Planeswalker Points page. I know that I played at the Manticore Game Shop and went 1-2, and that one of my opponents played her Kiln Fiend deck, and either my round 1 …

7 years ago

A small tournament at my primary card shop with only eight players showing up. Got really lucky in rounds 1 and 3 and basically got free wins due to my opponents' bad luck.

  1. Grixis Death's Shadow (2-0) - Opponent got mana screwed in both games.
  2. Lantern Control (2-0) …
7 years ago

Biovisionary for the win!!!

Modern* av.cole94


8 years ago

U/B Control - Multiplayer

Casual* Repczuk


Changed a few things..

9 years ago