Mega Games Penrith

Penrith, New South Wales Australia

Weekly Events


Mega Games Penrith

FNM - Standard Event

Registrations CLOSE 6.45 pm Start 7.00pm Cost $10.00

Prizes: Boosters and FNM Foils

Past Events


Saturday - Standard Event

Registrations CLOSE 10.45 am 11.00am Start. Cost $8.00

Prizes: Boosters and Foils

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Golgari Cemetery

Standard* Cust0dian

SCORE: 1 | 756 VIEWS

Went 4-1 in its first outing at FNM. Deck performed pretty well and all cards seamed to be doing there job. Only lost in round 5 against mono blue tempo.

6 years ago

Ajani's Lifegain

Standard* hueylicious

SCORE: 3 | 548 VIEWS

Placed Top 8 with the deck, I think for the most part it performed well.

Round 1: 2-1 Vs Merfolk. Pretty straight forward games. The lack of removal played in the other deck let run over them with Ajani's Pridemate and Resplendent Angel. The Game I lost I was on …

6 years ago

A hollow death?

Modern* ValueBear

SCORE: 2 | 602 VIEWS

Titanshift: 1-0 (2-0)

Living end: 1-0 (2-0)

7 years ago

2-0 vs Affinity

2-0 vs RW Burn

1-2 vs Living End

2-1 vs Eldrazi Tron

2-0 vs RW Burn

1-2 vs Living End

7 years ago

2-1 vs GR Tron

0-2 vs Dredge

2-1 vs Elves

2-0 vs Grixis Grishoalbrand

2-0 vs Grixis Delver

2-1 vs Ad Nauseum

2-0 vs UR Prowess

7 years ago

Your wish is Kolaghan's Command

Standard ValueBear


After a bunch of playing and getting destroyed at fnm I wanted to reimagine the deck. So here it is. The cards I pulled out were

-3 Stormbreath Dragon

-2 Valorous Stance

-2 Lightning Strike

-3 Brimaz, King of Oreskos

-2 High Sentinels of Arashin

-1 Kolaghan's Command

-1 outpost …

9 years ago


Modern ManOfX


Ran Affinity at this GPT over Abzan due to a Channel Fireball article.

Swiss results: 4-0-1 and 2nd overall Winner of the top 8

R1 - Twin: G1, My opponent drew nothing so I had no idea what he was even playing. G2, He plays Splinter Twin on his Deceiver …

9 years ago